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Pictures of the day
June 2023
Submissions picture of the day be emailed to with subject picture of the day "send 1 picture in high resolution with the necessary credits.
30 Juny 2023Photographer: Elian Coman | 29 Juny 2023Model: Natalia @nataliaxx Photographer: @hiddentruthboudoir | 28 Juny 2023Photographer Billy Ward @sirbillyward |
27 Juny 2023Photographer Billy Ward @sirbillyward | 26 Juny 2023Photographer: Pierre-Yves Millet Model: Giedre Jess | 25 Juny 2023Photographer: Pierre-Yves Millet Model: Loan |
24 Juny 2023Model Mischelle @misschelle.adelaide.model Photography: Dave @dave_leane | 23 Juny 2023Model Mischelle @misschelle.adelaide.model Photography: Dave @dave_leane | 22 Juny 2023Photographer John F. Cooper @johnfcooperphotography |
21 Juny 2023Photographer John F. Cooper @johnfcooperphotography | 20 Juny 2023Model: Kristina Menissov @kristinamenissov | 19 Juny 2023Photographer: Joss Lambert Model: Little Caprice |
18 Juny 2023Photographer Elido Turco @elidoturco Model: Elena | 17 Juny 2023Photographer: Simon Diez | 16 Juny 2023Model: Ruxandra Movila Photographer: Lucia Mondini |
15 Juny 2023Model: Wianamodel @wianamodel Photographer: @mljfoto | 14 Juny 2023Photographie et retouches : Accélérimages Modèle : Armelle _ndjee Make-up and hair : make.up.bysmith Stylisme : Armelle _ndjee Set design : Accélérimages | 13 Juny 2023Model Mischelle @misschelle.adelaide.model Photography: Dave @dave_leane |
12 Juny 2023PRODUCER ELP Hair Production @elphairproduction ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Eric Maurice, Ambre Thomas & Pascal Latil Eric Maurice is Art director colors for mydentity @guytang_mydentity France & Benelux @bleulibelluleofficiel In collaboration Jacques Seban CREATIVE COLORS Amandine Zachary , Elisa Belmonte, Lucas Dupont, Éric Maurice HAIR ASSISTANT Amandine Zachary , Elisa Belmonte VIDEO : Pascal LATIL & Gumidafe Gutiér PHOTO & RETOUCH Latil Pascal @latilpascal MUA Ambre Thomas STYLISM Ambre Thomas HAIR | 11 Juny 2023Photographer: Jack Friar @jackfriarphotography | 10 Juny 2023Model: Brooke Ann Bartlett - @brookeannbartlett Photographer: Caitlin Villanueva - @_clvphotography |
9 Juny 2023Photographer: Jack Friar @jackfriarphotography | 8 Juny 2023Photographer: Jack Friar @jackfriarphotography | 7 Juny 2023Model : @sita_yasmine Photo : Muah : @charlottevanbeusekom Outfit : @fantasydesign2015 At : @thewhitecamel |
6 Juny 2023Model : @sita_yasmine Photo : Muah : @charlottevanbeusekom Outfit : @fantasydesign2015 Male Model : @iamalicktexeira At : @thewhitecamel | 5 Juny 2023Model Mischelle @misschelle.adelaide.model Photography: Dave @dave_leane | 4 Juny 2023Model: Gabriele Luca Buratti Photographer: Ylenia Fabiano MUA Paola Barbera |
3 Juny 2023Photographer: Yves Kortum | 2 Juny 2023Photographer: Marco Maria D'Ottavi Model Erika Turkan Beachwear Maria Luisa Lugli | 1 June 2023Hair Collection - 60’S GREY By ALEXANDRA GREY Artistique Director : David Katchadourian & Pascal LATIL Make Up : Mariana Miteva Coiffure : Team ALEXANDRA GREY Stylism : Veronique Suchet En Partenariat avec SCHWARZKOPF PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT LIGHT & STUDIO17 : Patrice Lemesle Photo et Retouch : Pascal Latil Production & Press release : ELP Hair Production |
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