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Interview: Model Lisa Pauli (Germany)


Can you tell us something about you? I'm 20 years old, living since 14 years in Karlsruhe, Germany and I want to study fashion design in Berlin soon. Presupposed everything works out as I planned it, that would be awesome because I love fashion, the variety of styles and Berlin would be the right city for doing the things I want to do. I've been working in a restaurant as a waitress for the last year after I finished school. Now I'm a logistician for 2 months. Yeah, that's right and this job isn't quite easy, but it's also a little preparation for my student life. Well, and at last I'm using my free time to spend it with my friends, to do something I love to do for example going on shopping trips, listening to music, reading something, talking to people or sometimes also drawing (I love every kind of art, especially fashion and photography).

How did you start modeling? Oh that's a funny story. I think my teacher of ethics is the reason for that. He told us to write a fictitious curriculum vitae, so I had the wish to be Model at that time. I also wanted to mention a real Model agency to give my essay authenticity. I looked for something like a model casting on google and found one. I told my parents about that, it was a photographer who travelled with his Make-up Artist through German cities and took photos of people. My parents agreed to go with me to Stuttgart, when I would register my little sister too. So I did and we went some weeks later to my first photoshoot. It was at the beginning of 2012. Finally I can say that it was an unfair offer, but in the end it helped me to start my ‘career’, through my professional pictures on Facebook I started a thing that is now one of the most important things in my life.

What do you think of the work as Model? That's a good question because I think that most people have the opinion of an easy life. Some photoshoots here and there and that you earn a lot of money (by the way, I hate it when people ask me if or how much money I earn with this). A really wrong opinion! I can't call me a professional full time Model, I started this just as hobby. And even this was a challenge. It isn't that easy to organize shootings, think about everything you need for your next appointment and at the beginning it's super stressful in front of the camera. You don't know how to stand right because you don't know how your facial expression and your gesture appears on the other side of the cam. Generally I would say that professional modeling is a business for strong-willed and experienced people who are able to work under pressure and control their body.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I think I would change everything. I mean, I would like to improve the my characteristics I already created. But I also want to discover new characteristics by trying to do new stuff, to travel, to be more self confident. The rest will come automatically. What is your beauty secret? I don't know if I have one. It's not a secret in fact. Be lucky. Eat enough, sleep enough, eat healthy but don't torture your body with stupid diets. Well, finally just be lucky and combine this with a promising attitude. That's my advice for the inner beauty. The other aspect is clear I think. If you want to look beautiful, care for yourself, find me-time.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? Difficult question. What I definitely know about me is that I’m kind, polite and thankful to others. I love to be creative, not to think like the most people. Furthermore I’m dynamic, funny and sometimes also a little weirdo. That's what people call me when they get to know me.

What are you're plans for the future? I got many. But I know that most of them will change the further I'll go. As I already said, I would love to be a fashion designer. Creativity and creating is something I got inside, so I want to bring it to the outside. I want people to feel great and special with my creations. The modeling is an opened option so far. I don't want to give it up at the moment, contrariwise I want to keep it as a part of my life. It's fun, it helps me to improve as a person and to get to know great new people.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far? The biggest ups and downs. I love every experience I did with the modeling stuff especially the highlights and the lows because I learned a lot. And I have some good stories to tell. The last great highlight happened not a long time ago. I visited a ‘conspire’ from a photographer I know for some years. It was an event to connect and inspire, to conspire, that's it. First, I bought that ticket and was really excited. But then I got so many doubts in my mind, I do not know any person there (except of one of the hosts), what if I won't fit to this squad? The expectation wasn't the reality at all. I met so many beautiful and kind people. We took photos, selfies for fun, we made jokes. We talked and found out so much about the personalities. I could tell so much more about that day, but I think it would take to long. We even have a video of this day on YouTube!

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Of course. The essential one is: go for it! If you really want it, find the time and motivation. Talk to photographers and models and ask them for advice. Try also to give something back, you may have necessary information or qualities which may help the other one as well. But above all it's your determined work. Invest your time and necessary resources, and finally it will pays off.

What do you think of the magazine? It is not so long since I discovered the magazine. A very talented Model and at the same time photographer had a publication with also some photos of me in Modellenland. I felt so honored and happy for her, but also for me because she chose my photos. When I received the request for an interview for Modellenland I totally flipped out. It feels great that I get the chance to introduce me and show my photos in a magazine full of beautiful and inspiring pictures by Models and photographers. Modellenland is such a multifaceted magazine. It's a great opportunity to show undiscovered talents. As I said, the ideas of the pictures are really inspiring even if they aren't new. It's interesting to see how everyone interprets. The aspect that I mostly like about the magazine is that the focus is not only in fashion but on lifestyle. Every shown picture is an idea, a thought of somebody. Herewith it's a part of this person and Modellenland supports and spreads this thoughts.

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