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Interview: Photographer Dominika Dąbkowska (Poland)


Tell us something about yourself

My name is Dominika and I'm 22. People connected with photography says that I'm self-sufficient because I'm a photographer, model and retoucher.

How and when did you get into photography?

I am interested in photography since a couple of years but from about a year I took it for real and this is the thing I am in most,

What does photography mean to you?

First of all, this is my passion. I love to capture moments, beautiful moments.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

It is hard to describe style. I like tight frames and models with unusual beauty.

Where do you get inspiration from?

Before sessions I often look for inspirations on the Internet or from my favourite photographers. I have an idea and I look for something similar.Sometimes I see something on the web and inspiration comes just like that.

Think you in advance what you want in the picture?

If I am taking shots with a model, most important thing is her look. How she acts. In my opinion very important is if a model can feel free in front of a camera.

Studio, on location or both?

Definately studio, but it doesn't mean I don't like shooting on location. In studio it is hard to take special shot, with more climate, and this is challenging for me. Location can be unpredictable but you have the opportunity to take an extraordinary picture.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

Rather a hobbyist because there is a long way ahead of me to become a pro.

What has been your most memorable session and why?

I cannot choose one. There was better sessions and worse but I hope that this most memorable will come and not only one.

What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work?

People. Especially when both sides, photographer and model are happy with the effects of the session. This gives me a kick to move on.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

Canon, because I am a fan of its colours. I always recognize a shot that was taken by a Canon.

And a lens? I think its 50mm f/1.8. Despite the fact that is a standard len, you can take good pivtures with it. Especially portraits.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Do not pay attention to your gear. It is not said that if you have better camera, you'll take better pics. Listen to your intuition and practise a lot. Experiment.

What do you think of our new magazine?

For me it's great. Photographers from different countries with different points of view. Your magazine is also a fantastic place to gain inspiration.


Model: Kinga Buczyńska Makeup: Marta Kacperek

Model: Karolina Rzepecka

Model: Oliwia Bińczyk Makeup: Ewelina Ścibor

Model: Magdalena Szortyka Makeup: Ewelina Ścibor

Model: Magdalena Szortyka Makeup: Ewelina Ścibor

Model: Karolina Faryńska

Model: Edyta Gaida Makeup: Marta Kacperek

Model: Justyna Opas Makeup: Ewelina Ścibo

Model: Justyna Opas Makeup: Ewelina Ścibor

Model: Patrycja Rymer Makeup: Ewelina Ścibor

Model: Karolina Faryńska Makeup: Ewelina Ścibor

Model: Anna Piasecka Model 2: Marcin Tyszecki Makeup: Aneta Kubiak

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