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Interview: Photographer Bogusław Nabożny (Poland)


Tell us something about yourself.

I am Bogusław Nabożny, 45 years old, live in southern Poland, in everyday life I work in energy industry.

How and when did you get into photography?

I'm into photograpy for very long time, since my earliest childhood, but I've been doin' photos intentionally for over a 12 years. Street photography, concerto photography witch I'm bounded for very long time... club concerts, festivals, big gigs - all of this I took on digital cameras. Afterwards I came bact to analog technique witch coincide witch leaving behind photojurnalism for artistical, model photography.

What does photography mean to you?

Photography is for me kind an art, just like painting or poetry. Concided that's my mainly intrests, I try to express by the lens what I'm feeling. I cannot draw, long time ago, I practice poetry, but for now I've chosen making photos

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I did not think about that yet... I've tried to show feminine beauty and sensuality. Because every woman is beautiful, so they're mainty subject of my works. Cathiness, beauty of body form, lingerie marks, tricks of light on skin - thats my world, so I'm tring to show that as I see this with my own eyes.

Where do you get inspiration from?

I draw inspiration from whole world around me, sometimes from movies (cause I'm huge of kinematography,esspecialy polish movies, with are cut-and-dried photos) and big names like Newton, Rolke atd.

Think you in advance what you want in the picture?

Difficult question... looking by my work from 3 past years, there is a some progres, some changes for better. Above all - more colours, I'm tring to use more colour films, but my way of seeing women has not change, but I try to undrestand spiruality of woman nature.

Studio, on location or both?

I'm supporter of natural light so categorically - open air, or luxurious apartaments, climatic rooms, but i used flashes. I'm looking of intresting shapes of light, or softhess of trail from skylight on a roof, or shaft of light thro the door, light and shadow can fine dance on shapes.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

My photography is mostly hobby. Artistical photography is concidered to sophisticated consumer, additionally this line of art, esspecialy in analogue technique consume lot of financial meansures, and that requires a kind of connoisseur, with will want to buy a orginal print. But I think, my works may be wanted, but I want say anything to not jinx

What has been your most memorable session and why?

Another difficult question Which one was special, unique. I have a emotional attitude to my works. Whichone photo have own history, memories bounded with it. No matter if it was session in Kraków in sunny day, or session in excluzive room in palace from XVIII century in Paplin. I also have large respect for my models.

What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work?

I answered partly to this question yet. Biggest inspiration for me is human (in my cause - women, as I said, I love to working with shadows on woman body) I'm friend with some models, I know their private lives, their stories. Often, regular coffe meetings can bring new ideas for photos. Movies, social media - bigges mine of inspiracy. I buing and watching photoalbums, but I regret most of canonic photos are copied.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

Formerly, when I making concert photo, I worked on Minolta and Sony, now I recently use Psix with Biometar 120/2.8 and also Bronica s2 (whits a japanise hasseblad) with a biometar 80 technically reconstrued for bronica's mount, but I have much more cameras.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Most of all - takin the pictrues. Looking and concidering composition of ambient space. Analogue photography teach me that: you must try ten times build a composition, think about this, then you push shutter button. Also you must thinking despite to everything trying to stop you, but you should not doing anything, esspecialy art, aganist yourself.

What do you think of our new magazine?

I frequently look over your mag, and i Think is a good place to promote photographers, models, I've missed a place with selected photos and written in intresting way felietons and articules.


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