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Interview: Model Gracja Pieczątek (Poland)

Can you tell us a little about you?

Hey there! I'm Gracja and I live in Warsaw. It may be hard to believe, but I'll be 29 this year! I love cooking and watching movies. I have three cats. I am very open-minded and sociable person. I love dancing, singing and hanging with my friends. I am very patient and full of great, positive energy.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I love and accept myself and I wouldn't change anything about me. Every single thing in me is natural. It's honest and true.

How did you start modeling?

I started modelling from my first photo session for friend o' mine. I created an account on maxmodels and I started to receive invitations for sessions. And that's how everything began. Now I pose a lot and I never slow down! ;)

What do you think of the work as a model?

I love posing and it's a pleasure to take a part in fantastic, creative projects with great, inspiring people. I am not full-time model, but it's my dream to earn and work this way.

What is your beauty regimen?

Normally I don't wear make up at all. If I have to go out, I put some moisturizing cream first.Then I can apply some foundation or some loose powder instead. Then just some mascara, brow pencil, highlighter (I am addicted to it for some time!) and lip balm... and I'm ready to go.

When I'm at home, I just cleanse my skin and then put some moisturizing cream. I have very dry skin and putting foundation is like a sort of punishment for me;)

I actually don't have any special diet. I eat an enormous amount of donuts during week.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I am very sociable and I akways try to make people happy. I always smile and laugh a lot. I am very direct and honest. I have very specific sense of humor. Some people like that, some people don't.

What are your plans for the future?

I just want to keep posing and meeting new, fascinating people.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

I willalways remember my session with Paweł Śmiałek, who is very specificand who is a specialist in wet plate photography. It's very old, noble way of taking photos. It requires lots of preparations and patience. But the results are breathtaking and stunning. It's hard to choose favourite photo session. I like posing to analogue photography. It keeps that moment in very special way. Everything has to be planned, every pose has to be frozen for few seconds. That excitement and the moment of silence during shooting... That's the way I like to pose. With reflection, with great idea,with creativity.

What are your plans for the future?

I just want to keep posing and meeting new, fascinating people.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Give yourself a chance. But remember, it's not easy. Try hard and believe in yourself. Be prepared for everything but also be prepared to say “no”, if you are not convinced to some ideas. The most important thing in posing to first “tfp” sessions - you don't have to work with someone if you don't want to. And you have your right to refuse with no shame :)

What do you think of the magazine?

I think magazine is great, it's filled with beautiful pictures of great, tallented models. It gives an opportunity to take a look for new, fresh models. It's colorful and it gains a lot of inspirations. Recommend hardly!

Photo: Jakub Bodys - MUA: Magdalena Nocoń-Łysko; Stylist: Nana Leszczyńsa Mish Mash - Style; Hair: Magdalena Gaja Kapelan

Photo: Łukasz Saturczak

Photo: Przemysław Kot; Designer: Pamela Gebler

Photo: Karol Piasek - MUA: Agnieszka Tomaszewska - Designer: Helena Francesca

Photo: Maciej Pańków

Photo:Joanna Tołwińska

Grzegorz Popin

Photo: Dmytro Gurnicki; Designer: Joanna Saloni

Photo: Radek Pasterski

[if !supportLists][endif]Photo, stylist: Marianna Peruń-Filuś; MUA: Hanna Piotrowska

Photo: Adrian janczak Mua: Aneta Imago Walczak

Photo: Ewelina Słowińska - MUA: Magdalena Nocoń-Łysko -

Hair stylist: Martyna Bryk - Designer: Karol Miętkiewicz

Photo: Radosław Pelc; Albert Finch Photo Workshops

Foto: Marta Miklińska

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