Interview: Photographer Vincent Chassin (France)
Can you tell us a little about you?
Hey there! My name is Vincent Chassin, I’m 32 and living in Paris where I work as a lawyer and make photography on my free time. I seize the opportunity of this little introduction to simply thank all my models.
How and when did you get into photography?
I started photography nearly two years ago now. Creation is a huge part of my life. Whether by drawing or playing music it has always been essential for me to express myself artistically. After a too long period of passivity I decided to take a camera and learn a new way of expression which I hoped would suit me better. So I went to this portrait photography gathering that I found in Paris. There were so many photographers and models that I told to myself that it would not be important if my pictures sucked because nobody would remember me. But it turns out that after this experience I immediately wanted to make my own photo shootings.
What does photography mean to you?
It is to this day the best way I found to satisfy my need of creation. I quickly realized that portrait photography was perfect for my personality because the camera puts me in the comfort zone I need to create and in the same time I have this moment of sharing with the model which is really important for me. I'm really grateful for all the rich encounters I made through photography.
Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.
It is hard for me to talk about my style as I am still figuring out exactly what it is. I love diversity and exploring various thematic. There is this kind of mix between grace and melancholy which I’m seeking in some of my images. Also what I like is to make my models appearing as strong, charismatic, inspirational figures. But mainly I try to build my pictures around my emotions.
Where do you get inspiration from?
I get my inspiration from many sources actually. It can be from the work of other photographers, painting, music, cinema, video games, and the things I observe and experience in life. But during the process of making pictures it is essential for me to take inspiration from what the model is bringing and from the ambiance of the locations where I shoot.
Think you in advance what you want in the picture?
Not always. Sometimes I have a specific idea in mind while other times I want to go to a shooting with the intention of starting from a blank page. This way I can practice on my capacity of adaptation or just let myself guided by my instinct and by the connection with the model.
Studio, on location or both?
For now I really prefer on location. The studio tends to limit my vision while on location I can let myself inspired by the mood of the place. Also I need to move during a session.
Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?
A hobbyist. To be specific I am a registered photographer but my main job is so time-consuming that for now I can’t dedicate too much effort in developing photography as a professional activity. I let things go at their own pace.
Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?
I work with a Canon 6D and 35mm and 85mm lenses. I consider that it is a bit early for me to talk about a favourite lens. There are so many that I want to try!
What has been your most memorable session and why?
Very hard question! I’ve loved a lot of photo shootings but I keep a special memory of an improvised session on the road with a model I didn’t know before. We got to know each other while making pictures and the session went so naturally even when this pouring rain started to fall. We had this perfect sunset, the menacing clouds, the rain, the road lying ahead of us. A great moment!
What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?
I would say not to discourage oneself in front of the huge amount of photographers out there. We all have our own unique way to see things and to express ourselves and the most important thing is to focus on this and to work hard on sharpening ones style.
What do you think of our new magazine?
I discovered it not so long ago and immediately loved it! There is so much diversity in the styles displayed and the pictures are very well highlighted. It is great to see equal importance given to people evolving on both sides of the lens. I wish a long life to this magazine. It deserves it.

Model: Doriane Olivier @doriane_olivier

Model: Doriane Olivier @doriane_olivier

Model: Tifenn White @tifenn.white

Model: Emeline Vu @emelinevu

Victor & Sophie @amesvagabondes

Model: Sweet Vanity @sw33tvanity

Models: Caroline Vitry @crimson.and.clover_ Kimi VD @kimi_vd

Dubrovskaya Ekaterina @katrina_model

Model: Vera Lavender @vera_lavender

Model: Emeline Vu @emelinevu

Model: Emeline Vu @emelinevu

Model: Caroline Vitry @crimson.and.clover_