Biography: Photographer Teodor Stoyanov (Bulgaria)
I am just one of all these photographers who appears on internet all the time. If only one of my shots impresses you, I will assume that I have accomplished my aim. What I know for sure is that I am one of the few professional photographers who do this as a result of some strange occurrence of circumstances without even planning or studying for it. All this happened by accident and … I don’t regret it even for a second. Photography has become my passion. I don’t think of her as my job. Taking pictures of various faces and their processing makes every day different, unique and full of surprises.
Doing and enjoying it requires not only a beautiful model. What is necessary is the model to possess something that will make people stare at the portrait. If the model possess it, you must be sure that I will see, frame and enhance it.Emotion and reality can be sensed in every picture taken by me. Every part is retouched and edited till it becomes perfect and improved so that it enhances and shows the moment to people watching it.
Shooting with Tedd is as a walk in the park. I like focusing on the relationship between the photographer and the model. If all the technical details are there, but there is no look, then there is no a good portrait. Finally, but not on the last place, I would like to confess that I owe my success to my wife Mariya. She is the real secret of all my achievements.