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Interview: Photographer Ronny Trippaers (Belgium)


Can you tell us a little about you?

I’m Ronny Trippaers, aged 48, in normal life IT Manager in the medical device world, which is a busy job requiring me to let go of some steam occasionally and I do that with photoshoots and music (Guitarist / Singer)…

How and when did you get into photography?

I got serious about photography in 2014…, when I financially could buy all the gear I wanted (not need) to play with. Initially I did not start with model photography but animals, the zoo’s and the parks… I accidentally ended up in a workshop I expected to be macro photography, but actually was a half-naked model being photographed in a “playboy” style, and I was hooked on model photography as of then with a twist, I wanted it to not be sexual or playboy like, but strong and nonchalant like in fashion…

What does photography mean to you?

I feel I’m being creative… For me photography is the best way to show someone your point of view, the way you see them. The freedom of being able to tell which colors make-up we will use, how to do the hair etc… allows me to shape a different version of a model and record it…

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I try on many things except boudoir, lingerie and artistic and on everything else I apply a sort of fashion style, strong moody looks… Some of my shots end up being like almost commercials… add a beer or whisky brand and that’s it… Most known I am for always requesting models to be ok with up to topless posing in my sessions because I like to vary in styles from fully clothed to semi naked (topless). Although my style is different than main stream as mostly we see boudoir like, artistic or erotic nudity, I like to bring it in a non-sexual way, just showing the beauty of the female body unrelated to… the thing… ;-)

Where do you get inspiration from?

Inspiration I get from seeing all those crazy good photographers around posting their images on social media and other platforms. I learned from many photographers just by looking at their images along the way but if I had to name one inspiring source that helped me grow the most in what I do today it is Thierry Goovaerts. Thierry’s eye for light making moody lighting scenes, posing models and so on, are superb...

Think you in advance what you want in the picture?

I always work with a mood board and an idea… It used to be different but I learned it’s not good as a photographer to say “euh, what now” or just say “do something” to the model… I learned to assist the model in posing and bringing my idea to live, off course with a team of creatives like make-up artists and / or styling…

Studio, on location or both?

Used to be studio but this year in summer, I really went out and did it. Previous years, I did occasional outdoor shoot but it was never my goal. I was a studio portret / fashion photographer mostly… More into up close and personal sessions than outdoor scenery…

What has been your most memorable session and why?

I remember a situation I was in a discussion about topless with someone who really wanted to work with me but I explained I would not if she is not capable of filling in the session as I needed it to be so she decided to bash me… A lot of people reacted in my favor but one reaction stood out from Nikie Vandeperre, a girl I never spoke with, never seen and never worked with. She never did or would consider doing topless and she said… “by the way you are talking to that girl, patiently and respectful despite she is being a b*tch, I will work with you and go topless as I trust you now to do it…”. That session did not result in the best ever topless photos I made (I was still growing) but it remains by far the most special moment to date and she became, together with Yannick Van Thielen, my 2 most used models until date… Call it my two favorites…

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

Hobbyist for sure, but generally people consider me a good hobbyist or mistake me for a professional… I would never be a good professional as I cannot put the passion and drive into baby shoots, pregnancy, marriages etc… My passion is exactly the thing I’m doing…

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

No favorite, just using Canon J Facvorite lens is deffinately the 85mm 1.2… Georgious bokeh and tack sharp…

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Business I don’t know, but any starting photographer should try not to invest too much money and time in just point and shoot setup. Invest little money in workshops with more experienced photographers and learn quick the ins and outs of working with models and definitely stop going naked too fast as so many do…

What do you think of our new magazine?

I’ve been reading modellenland for years and I love it features all levels of photography bringing it to larger audience… I looked up to many photographers featured from the hobby scene and I love to see how my work comes closer and closer to their level of quality and expertise… It’s a good reference and brings a lot of ideas to mind…

Tiger mouth Model: Denisa Strakove Make-up: Denisa Strakova Photographer / Editor: Ronny Trippaers

Cooling down Model: Viktoria Yarova Make-up: Frany Kolling Assist: Michelle Broek / Thierry Goovaerts Photographer / Editor: Ronny Trippaers

Burning Summer Model: Viktoria Yarova Make-up: Frany Kolling Styling & assist: FPartphotographics Photographer / Editor: Ronny Trippaers

I can dance Model: Samantha Van Leusden Make-up: Joke Van Praet Photographer / Editor: Ronny Trippaers

Sensual me Model: Catalina Jacobs Make-up: Evelien Fossepre Photographer / Editor: Ronny Trippaers

Sensual me Model: Catalina Jacobs Make-up: Evelien Fossepre Photographer / Editor: Ronny Trippaers

I'm cool, are you? Model: Tisha Mesens Make-up / Syling: Tisha Mesens Photographer / Editor / Styling: Ronny Trippaers

Life is good... Model: Jennai De Muer Make-up: Jennai De Muer Photographer / Editor: Ronny Trippaers

Posing in the sun Model: LCM Make-Up: Anne Smits (Moeder's mooiste) Fotograaf / Edior: Ronny Trippaers

Yes I am... Model: Stephanie Ballet Make-Up & Hair: Pascal Assist: MIchelle Broek / Thierry Goovaerts Photographer / Editor: Ronny Trippaers

Water becomes scarse... Model: Charlotte Van der Eycken Make-up: Frany Kolling Styling / Hair: Ina Dillen Photograpoher / Editong: Ronny Trippaers

Don't mess with us... Models: Yannick Van Thielen, Nikie Vandeperre Make-up: Frany Kolling Assist: Thierry Goovaerts Photographer / Editor: Ronny Trippaers

Waiting for him... Model: Cassandra Van Mol Make-up: Frany Kolling Fotograaf / Editor: Ronny Trippaers

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