SWEET CORAL, By Laurie Cesari
Bijgewerkt op: 25 sep 2020
The mini collection "SWEET CORAL" was created in collaboration with the Photographer Pascal Latil, inspired by L'Oreal's colorfulhair We wanted to highlight on our model Louise the "Sunset Coral" worked with different dilution to bring the depth. Thanks to its length and its gradation, we were able to work several styling styles, curly, fuzzy and some fasteners.
Laurie Cesari The 33-year-old started hairdressing at the age of 15. Entered 13 years ago in the group Just Hair, a family-owned brand of 9 hairshop in the south france, she has been the manager of the hairshop d'Istres in the Bouches du Rhône for 7 years and works as a trainer at the SEA School at Aix en Provence.
Younger Laurie won several FNC competitions in the bridal hair category, after more than 10 years without competing, she embarked on L'Oréal Style and Color Trophy adventure and the Haute Coiffure Française (international Trophy) or the Big One, where she will be finalist at the three french competitions this year.

Artistic Direction: Laurie Cesari & Pascal Latil Hair color and hair: Laurie Cesari Styling: Latil Pascal & Laurie Cesari Model: Louise Loqueneux Make Up: Manon Castellon