Interview: Model Natalia Zagasheva (Ukraine)
Can you tell us a little about you?
For me, being photographed is a way of being. Every time I get in the shot I learn, acquire new qualities, part with unnecessary or reborn. The process makes me happy; it helps to reveal those facets of me that do not always have a place in life. To be a model for me is to explore the world through contact with a photographer. I love photographers, stylists, makeup artists, designers for their subtle perception of the world. I try to work only with the ideological and spiritual people. Each meeting with the photographer remains deep in my heart.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
There is much more pride in the world than mercy. This is a big problem, but you can only change yourself. I want to say goodbye to pride.
How did you start modeling?
Once, a Kyiv photographer noticed me in the bar. I was very angry. He called me a monkey with a grenade and took a picture. Since then I've been trying to be a human.
What do you think of the work as a model?
It is a great thing to be photographed and to show clothes. It only seems primitive until you try to make money. It turns out that model’s profession is a hard work and not everyone can handle it. There are falls and disappointment hidden behind the dream. Only strong personalities who believe in themselves can remain in harmony. This job can eat out your soul if you succumb to temptations.
What is your beauty regimen?
I choose gentle ways to take care of myself. My philosophy is short «I'm pretty enough». I take care of myself, sleep enough, drink enough water, keep myself maintained enough. I prefer natural cosmetics. I visit a beautician who chooses exceptionally pleasant procedures. I don't dye my hair, I don't paint my nails. I am against diets and follow the principle of intuitive eating.
What are your personal qualities that distinguish you from others?
My strongest suit is creativity. It's too noticeable in me. In everything else, I'm ordinary.
What are your plans for the future?
I want to finish what I start. For example, to put a beautiful play about femininity.
What are some of your favorite experiences so far?
Meeting people. Speaking of photographers, sometimes I'm ready to pay just to get in the shot of the one whose work I'm in love with. Communication experience is many times more valuable than the result of a photo shoot.
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?
Understand what you need modeling for. Maybe there are easier ways to get it. If you dream of universal love, you will have to love yourself. Without make-up, Photoshop and confirmations from the side.
What do you think of the magazine?
I like openness. This magazine is primarily about people and for people. It does not give the impression of coldness and arrogance. I think this is a decent approach.

Photo: Alexander Hurman - Accessory: Olena Romanova - Muah: Julia Kuzmenko - Stylist: Marian Rekrutiak

Photo: Natalia Azarkina

Photo: Alex Dudko - Style: Evgenia Yanysheva

Photographer: Alexander Hurman - Style: Donata Delikatna

Designer: ianeania - Photo: Dmitry Nevlad - Muah: Donata Delikatna

Photo: Daria Mangubi - Muah: Bykova Di

Photo: Roma Pashkovskiy - Style: Donata Delikatna

Photo: Eugene Reno - Style: Evgenia Yanysheva

Photo: Julia Shyrokova

Photo: Anastasia Sooltanova

Photo: Nika Sydorenko - Style: Oh My Look!

Photo: Nick Zavilinsky - Style: Donata Delikatna -Accessories: Viola Kim

Photo: Nick Zavilinsky