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Interview: Model Deana Hendry (London)


Can you tell us a little about you?

I’m a new mummy. I’m a full time model and full time mummy. My little girl was a special miracle after having medical issues and a concern I wouldn’t ever have children. My beautiful daughter was born in her sack which is so rare one in 100,000 is born this way. At 18/18pm on 18/11/18.

I now live in London but I was living in Germany, Spain and London. I’m an adventurous soul with a wandering heart of a gypsy.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

If I could change anything about myself. I would have said to have to have a family but now I do I would have to say something like maybe relax more!!..

How did you start modeling?

I started modelling 8 years ago. I went to India for business. To work on an online fashion boutique and work with the habitat fragmentation especially with tigers and Elephants. I was asked to be the face of an Indian company and so that is where it officially started. Although when I was much younger I had a few opportunities arise in the modelling world but I didn’t quite believe in myself.

What do you think of the work as a model?

It’s not the glamorous life everyone imagines. With 4am wake ups each morning and 6am flights. There is a lot of hard work and dedication needed to put into the job. It’s time consuming and life consuming at times. If you want to get far you need to be willing to put in the work. The work never stops. After the booking the work. Preparing for the work. Travelling to the work. Hair and makeup. The strength taken to do the work. Travelling home. Eating and keeping up to date with the admin side of things there is barely any time to yourself. When working for yourself it’s hard to know when to take a break.

As an ex personal trainer modelling is certainly more physically strenuous. In the gym it’s mainly repetitions but on the shoots it’s a lot of holding of positions and therefore tensing the body. Along with the lugging around of suitcases for tours and the strain on the shoulders

It’s not as easy as it looks..

What is your beauty regimen?

It’s actually very basic. As I travel so often i need something that is manageable. So when I remember to stick to my routine it goes a little something like this:

Sauna x3 per week I feel like this helps with my blotchy / blemished skin u have very dry skin so sauna and lots of water helps (when possible I try to use a plunge pool and sauna)

I wash my face with L’Oréal fine flowers gel cream wash for dry and sensitive skin. This cleanses, softens and purifies If I have any spots I may add some tea tree to my moisturiser.

I use a moisture surge moisturiser by Clinique with a water surge hydration spray for when I need that extra burst of hydration. Or a factor 50 cream(30+ minimum)

Approximately once a week I will use Esté Lauder night advanced night repair. If I have a late night or early start this makes me feel whole again.

There is a brand I like to use when my skin is feeling run down. I maybe invest in this once a year. It’s called is clinical and it’s oil based.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

My music taste lol. All jokes aside I think one of my major qualities is turning life’s obstacles into hurdles and jumping over them. I don’t give up and my relentless persistence in life has brought me along way.

What are your plans for the future?

My plans for the future. I want to know both sides of the camera. I want to be an established photographer as well as an established model. I would love to photograph children. Maybe one day a children’s agency. A book. In the meantime I plan to build my family. And continue to create lots of creative content....

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

Wow. Where to start... some of my favourite experiences so far are:

BASE jumping in Berlin, Shooting in Cuba /Bali/ Iceland, Djing in Mexico / India / Ibiza

Staying in a bubble in Iceland while watching the northern lights. The list is endless I wouldn’t even know where to start... by far the most rewarding experience to date is being a mummy so it’s hard to compare Amy other experience

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Yes, find what you want to achieve! Your levels, your goal, and your style.

Build a portfolio, Research agencies and their requirements and make a list of agencies you would like to be represented by. Make Contact with these agencies and apply.

Don’t get disheartened if one agency says no you may be just what another agency is looking for. Persistence is key. Build it slowly so you can keep on top of all of your admin and social media presence and bookings do your homework on who your working with.

Stay safe!!

What do you think of the magazine?

I love the magazine and I’m so happy to be apart of it.

Guenter Stoehr

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