Interview: Model Cecilie Häggqvist (Denmark)
Can you tell us a little about you?
There isnt much to tell honestly. Im 23 years old and I live in Copenhagen, Denmark. beside modelling i love spending my time with my boyfriend and our dog, walking at the cemetary nearby and checking out different designs from some of the tattoo artists i look up to.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
There is actually quite alot about myself i would love to change, i am not unhappy with my look or my physic, but there is always room for improvements. so I am going to get a few operations, hopefully the first one in june this year.
How did you start modeling?
I started modelling when I was 16. I was contacted by a photographer on facebook, asking if I was interrested in a photoshoot. ofcouse i was a bit nervous, so i brought my dad along, and everything went great. after that i got contacted more and more often, and so my modelling career began.
What do you think of the work as a model?
I really like my work as a model, but it's also very hard and takes alot of energy at the same time. so i need a short break from time to another, so i dont get overwhelmed or stressed. I am only a freelance model right now, which fits me perfectly.
What is your beauty regimen?
I actually dont have a beauty regimen. I eat healthy and not too much, and if i feel like a snack, fruit is often a very good replacement. Ive always been extremly lucky to have such nice skin, i rarely get any problems with it, and if i do i just do a face scrub and a light face creme before bed. What are your plans for the future? I actually dont have any specific plans for my future. Ofcause i want to get married and have kids at some point, and have a nice family life. But i would very much like to go travelling some more with my boyfriend, maybe start a company of my own, just like him.
What are some of your favorite experiences so far?
I've gotten quite alot of experiences over the past few years, ive been shooting in Rome and L.A, which have been amazing and i am so glad I got those experiences and oppertunities. ive had a few parts in music videos as well, and it was so much fun.
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?
Work hard, and believe in yourself. that's what i was told, and its the best advice i've gotten.
What do you think of the magazine?
I havent read the magazine alot, but i have been following a little, since my friend was in it last time. I think its really great that differnet models get to tell there storys here.