Interview: Model Isabela Bertocchi (Italy)
Can you tell us a little about you?
I'm Isabela Bertocchi, daugther of a Colombian mother and an Italian father. I have the double citizenship because I was born in Colombia in 1997 and at the age of 5 I moved to Italy, where I still live. Photographers have immortalized me since I was 15 years old but only recently I have been doing it as a job. I state that I have chosen to do only what makes me feel good and I like the idea of telling (stories) through photography. In fact, when I know I have to work for some photographer and do a shooting, (I like defining it with the term tale). I love to get excited and get others excited, (I love the fact that a moment is made immortal by photography). Many things have contributed to all this (process), I'm not going to list them all so as not to bore readers too much, but I particularly want to mention the theater, as well as my acting school that has helped me and is (actually) helping me a lot to express (myself) and tell thoughts, feelings and emotions.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
Nothing in particular, I am who I am and I think that we evolve everyday (everything I went through made me who I am now). This is a factor that makes me feel good with myself.
How did you start modeling?
Thanks to my mum who, some years ago, wanted me to take part in a beauty competition where I arrived on the podium.
What do you think of the work as a model?
I think it's a wide and undiscovered world like many other professions. I like the idea of interpreting myself and interpreting in general and as in everything there is always to learn and to test ourselves.
What is your beauty regimen?
I don't think I have a specific one.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
To answer this question I quote a sentence that recently the people I work with often tell me: "Isa you have the ability to make people feel good".
What are your plans for the future?
Certainly to widen my knowledge and to continue telling and expressing myself in different sectors.
What are some of your favorite experiences so far?
I have had many, and I'm grateful for this, but in particular I would like to mention that time in which on the set the director/producer while looking at me he said: "You are born to be in front of a camera".
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?
Of course, my advice is to tell and express yourself freely while having fun as much as possible because we all need to get excited!
What do you think of the magazine?
I think it is very nice that the fact that you give the first opportunity to share art and visibility to talents who have a lot to communicate like models, photographers etc.. I really like it!
Instagram: @bertocchiisabela
Facebook: Isa Bertocchi
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