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Interview: Model Sophie Martin (France)

Can you tell us a little about you?

I'm a young woman with a particular life full of pitfalls of sorrows, who want to realize her dreams to make her mother proud and happy to live properly and to have a revenge from the past My dream has always been to evolve in the univers of fashion but osme people by theri act and their words had manage to convince me that it would be inaccessible and impossible for me because i was according to them ugly and without interest .. I was spotted by a photographer at the gym, he rassured me, he revived me and revived he showed me that i was a woman, that i had a beautiful image and i had to remove my shell, find a image of woman and human being. he shutted off my image, we worked a lot, it was a photo therrapy and the thingd got chained, he directed me to other serious photographer and then to paris, where i was able to shoot and scroll. In PAris, i was taken seriously, guided, accompanied. Today, i touch my dream with my fingers i savor every second, every shooting, every fashion show because it's a revenge on the past, a personal victory Today my greatest wish is to continue my evolution, to advance, to evolve again and again to make proud my friend photographer who discovered me, awakened, revealed My goal today is mostly to make my mother proud i have her she is everything i have and her smile her pridewhen she looks at my pictures or attendsmy fshion show is the most great reward ...that's my little story.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

If I had to change something I think I would dare to live my dream soon.

How did you start modeling?

I was spotted by a photographer at the gym, he rassured me, he revived me and revived he showed me that i was a woman, that i had a beautiful image and i had to remove my shell, find a image of woman and human being. he shutted off my image, we worked a lot, it was a photo therrapy and the thingd got chained, he directed me to other serious photographer and then to paris, where i was able to shoot and scroll.In PAris, i was taken seriously, guided, accompanied.

What is your beauty regimen?

F​or ​my be​auty regime, I of course pay attention to my diet, but I also have fun it is important

I eat proteins, I drink a lot of water, I play sports, but I also crack on chocolate these little moments of pleasure are important.

What do you think of the work as a model?

I thinks the work as a model must be done with passion and conviction.It's a work in its own right, it takes rigor, envy, seriousness.​

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I am sociable, rigorous, pleasant, serious, attentive, attentive, I have a life path that makes me whole and passionate.

What are your plans for the future?

For the future, I would like to continue to evolve, find contracts, and have a successful career.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

I love contact with people, fashion designers, photographers, I love photo shoots and fashion shows.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

My advice would be: to be passionate, to believe in your dreams, to move forward with caution, to stay yourself and to work.

What do you think of the magazine?

I think your magazine reflects well the modern and elegant vision of the current woman

I like your concept and your state of mind.

Facebook: S-ophie Mrn

Instagram: S.ophie.Mrn

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