- Modellenland
Interview: Photographer Trasher-Art by Frank Teich (Germany - Austria)
Can you tell us a litle about you?
Hello, I am Frank Teich and my label is Trasher-Art, where you can fnd creatvity and beauty.
Many people are calling my art provocatve because I love to combine beauty and trash. But you can decide on your own by having a look at my project MyYellowWall, which you can fnd on my homepage.
How and when did you get into photography?
Photography has always been my passion especially since I put my focus on people-photography some years ago.
What does photography mean to you?
As I already mentoned my label stands for creatvity and beauty which means that I am always trying to get out of my daily life and create something special and new.
Please briefy describe your photography style for our readers.
To be honest, it took me quite a long tme to fnd my own style, but as soon as people recognized my pictures, I knew that they were not mainstream, which was very important to me. Obviously it depends on what you defne as mainstream.
Where do you get inspiraton from?
I can get inspiraton from everywhere. Internet, on the street, catalogues, my friends, movies, magazines, ads just everywhere.
Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?
Exactly this is the thing about creatvity and being spontaneous. You get some inspiratons, look at moods and what comes out is always something diferent and thus my style.
Studio, on locaton or both?
I love it on locaton, but I have already done some of my beauty projects even in the studio.
Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?
Paid professional, of course.
Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?
Defnitely Fuji. Actually Fuji XT3. Lens 85mm F1.4
What has been your most memorable session and why?
Our projects published in an Austrian magazine and in the Vogue Italy was probably the most excitng experience so far.
What is one piece of advice you would like to ofer a new photographer looking to start their own business?
Do what you love, fnd your own style and just do it regardless what others say.
What do you think of our new magazine?
Modellenland gives us a chance to show our work and promote brands and the persons behind them. However, I love seeing our projects in a magazine that is so well-known.
Website: http://trasher-art.com
Instagram: instagram.com/trasher.art_
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