Interview: Model Izabella Wasiniewska (Poland)
Can you tell us a little about you?
Passion is the most important value in my life. I love to create - mostly I love to create something from nothing. I have been painting pictures since five years, which makes me calm. I dance to release the emotions accumulated in the body. I love playing with fashion and creating it. I'm interested in psychology and techniques of releasing emotions from the body.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
I wouldn't change anything.I believe, we should accept ourselves the way we are. We are all perfect in our own body's.
How did you start modelling?
My adventure with modeling began 10 years ago. At the beginning it was just for fun but after two years the first contract appeared in Playboy magazine. After that, I received propositions for sessions abroad.
What do you think of the work as a model?
Photomodel work is a very interesting work - the biggest advantage of this is the ability to travel, meeting new people, open your mind to new opportunities. I have met many wonderful people, that are always full of passion. I have models friends: one in Italy, the other in Izrael. We support each other and sometimes we meet on a plan. Being a model is so like running your small business. I am thankful that I can do what I love. Being a model requires emotional maturity - distance to yourself, not comparing yourself with others. Being a model - teaches you to be a 100% woman.
What is your beauty regimen?
I am a chameleon. I have been posing for 10 years and all the time I can be surprised how much my beauty is artistic. I have a very proportionate face. I think a woman should be authentic and natural. And I like these types of beauty in others. Each of us has beauty in. Beauty is enchanted in the soul. If the soul is beautiful it will be visible outside.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
As I mentioned before, I am artistic - my beauty is artistic - I can adapt to the role I have to play. I feel not only a Model but also an Actress. I know fashion, I have many beautiful styles - so a session with me - if the style is on my side - is a paradise for the photographer - because he has a lot to choose from. I am full of energy and very creative, I always have a million ideas for staff and poses - I see a place and a photographic story arises in my head. I run individual workshops for photographers and help them build a portfolio and teach them how to work with a model.
What are some of your favorite experiences so far?
I had a publication in Playboy magazine six times.One of the sessions in playboy was made by the world-famous Polish photographer Szymon Broziak. We took photos in the Polish mountains - it was a great experience. Today, my most beautiful experience is working with Krystian Kasperowicz. - (Krystian photographs using old analog methods and has his own company - he creates hand-painted personalized custom photographic backgrounds.) Together, we create many beautiful projects in which we use still life for stage design - the whole world will hear about us more than once.
What are your plans for the future?
My plans for the future are to do what I love and earn from it. I am the owner of the great developing personal brand Lalalump, I run an online store - the whole idea of my brand is to promote slowfeshion and buying second-hand clothes. Because today we buy more than we need. We were told that if you have expensive clothes you are a more valuable man, which is a lie - someone has to stop it. I love our planet with everything that lives in. I love walking in the woods - I want the next generation to have a place to walk and admire. That is why teams related to caring for the environment, getting rid of chemistry from home - because there are ways to clean without chemistry, people here and now can change the world. Because if you want to change the world, you have to start with yourself. I also want to develop a therapy method - based on the technique of releasing emotions through dance. I think that understanding of emotions is a very important element of our lives. If people could understand their emotions, they would be happier and healthier.
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?
My advice is: Always be yourself, accept yourself, take 100% care of your body and soul, and do it with all your heart and certainly modeling will be a beautiful adventure. Never forget to have something more than just modeling. Remember about development on other levels.
What do you think of the magazine?
I am very pleased to receive suggestions for an interview and publication in this magazine. It's a great place to present creative and talented models to the world. Especially that today paper magazines no longer have their strength. Thanks to the power of the Internet and your publication - people can show their creativity and action more widely. It was a real pleasure to be able to contribute to this number.
Krystian Kasperowicz
Krystian Kasperowicz
Krystian Kasperowicz
Marek Stan
Krystian Kasperowicz
Krystian Kasperowicz
Jean-jacques Yeranossian
InspireFire Photography
Krystian Kasperowicz
Pini Hamou
Shahaf Brumer