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Interview: Cover Girl Maylys Lheureux (France)


Can you tell us a little about you?

I'm born in Agen, a little city from the south west of France where life is not so much exciting. But I soon decided I would discover the world and do great things.

My mother is from Martinique and my father is from there. So I cannot live happy when I’m far from the sun and from nature.

I’m an artist, I dance, paint, draw and sing. And unlike the technologies I think art is the most beautiful thing human being never created.

I'm also an ex-athlete so sport is very important for me.

I love to travel and sometimes I make crazy choices on an impulse.

If you could change alsohing about yourself, what would it be?

My karma haha! I always have very bad karma!

How did you start modelling?

I was going to high school and I cross the way of a designer who proposed me to make photo for her. Few month later, I went to Paris for and editorial for Runway magazine and I signed with my first mother agency.

What do you think of the work as a model?

It’s amazing because you meet so many interesting people and every day is different! You can travel and learn different languages. It's a great experience but also a big adventure! You need to be solid because it’s much harder than what people think.

What is your beauty regimen?

My beauty regime is cold shower every day (after the hot one of course) to enhance the skin firmness and the blood circulation. Then I put a lot of coconut oil everywhere because it has healing properties. For my face I stay without make up anytime I can. I wash my face with a microfiber towel. It only need hot water to remove make up and pollution. After that I rinse with cold water and I vaporise yarrow flower hydrosol to protect my skin from limestone and pollution. To finish I moisture with an homemade mix of aloe vera, siberian larch extract and the mix of fruit extract AHA from Aromazone. Moreover I try to eat a maximum of fruits, vegetables and nuts. Because what you eat appears on your skin.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

Well, I’m crazy! Just kidding! I guess my natural and the fact I’m a show girl are my personal advantages on others models. I’m everything except a Diva!

What are your plans for the future?

To be honest I have several plans and actually I'd love to do them all. First I want to start acting lessons Then I want to go back to industrial design and because I miss creating so much. I’m also interested by illustration. To finish I want launch my own fashion brand.

This is the big part because I’ve got so many more projects in my "to do list" Yes I know it a bit to much for only one life!

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

When I did the show for Kenzo in Peninsula, all the models were ready 2h before the beginning of the show so he booked a luxury suite for all of us with the rooftop were you can enjoy the whole parisian skyline and we spent these 2h watching l'Age de Glace in an amazing bed then we did the presentation as we were supposed to. The swim week in Colombo (Sri Lanka) was also amazing, such a great event in an amazing place with beautiful people. Last september I did an amazing shooting in hot air balloon flying above the Moroccan desert for an upcoming brand from Qatar named Nesma Studio. We also shooted inside the balloon! I’m grateful for all these experiences and so happy to have amazing stories to tell to my grandchildren.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?

The best advice I could give is : don’t put your trust in anybody!

Be determined, so models gets everything by magic and others need to hustle but at the end if you are determined and focused on your target you’ll find success.

What do you think of the magazine?

I love the fact Modellenland mag is focusing on the personality of people from fashion and beauty industry. The fact it help us to know them better and discover them intrinsically through all these different life approaches.

Thank you so much Modellenland for proposing me this interview!

Facebook : Maylys Lhx

instagram: Maydilion

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