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Interview: Model Arianna Ilardi (Italy)

Can you tell us a little about you?

Yes, certainly. I'm a professional contemporary dancer and a photo-model. I worked

in the most important Italian theaters (and Poland and Finland, too), and later in ArtGallery and Museums with my operas. I worked in the cinema and video – art, too. I love to mix Arts and I'd like to be an Art Director in the future. And a happy mum and woman : )

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I was too perfectionist for a long time, I was wrong. An accident changed me, made me accept and improve myself. Keep alert from exagerate perfectionism !!!

How did you start modelling?

The photographer Stefano Goldberg, member of the team of Renzo Piano,saw me by pure chance.Then I studied as a photo model and I'm gradueted , but the partnership with him established until his death (2020).

What do you think of the work as a model?

I love to be the muse of a photograher or a photoamateur, I love to help him/her realize his/ her project or improve.

What is your beauty regimen?

Apart from them physical exercise, which come from dance, I try to moisturize the skin and sleep the right hours.

What are your personal qualities with distinguish you from others?

Surely, I'm very honest and natural ; but in the meantime I'm very determinated.

What are your plans for the future?

A wonderful project with a photographer of Genoa and two in Rome.

What are some of your favorites experiences so far?

A set at the Escuela du Cine y Fotografia in Bogotà with the international photographer Esteban Toro Martinez, a really wonderful person. With Dario Bonazza it's always a joy to work , in Ravenna, Venice; he's the only one who photographed me as a dancer on stage and on set and as a pure model.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?

To always be yourself.

What do you think about the magazine?

It's wonderful and complete. High quality : )

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Instagram : @ariannailardipro

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