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Interview: Photographer Amira Issmail (Germany)

Foto van schrijver: ModellenlandModellenland

Can you tell us a little about you?

I was born in the North of Germany – German/Iraqi origin. I’m located in Hamburg, where I decided to work as a photographer very lately – it happened out of the blue – like so many things in my life.What makes me start, is my very special connection with strangers – people of any social background, natonality – gender or age – doesn’t matter – there is some kind of magic and magnetism.  I surrounded myself with art, music, books, fashion, sports since my early childhood – it helps me to overcome pain – therefore – I’m going to make everything around me beautiful. I'm a free spirit.


How and when did you get into photography?I actually just wanted to get out of the house - I didn't have a dog, so I took my little KodakPocket camera to take pictures of Hamburg - after a short time, the first skateboarding boys jumped in front of my camera - and so - it became more and more and the camera more professional and I decided to do street photography and after a short time I was published all over the world. And so it all took its course...


What does photography mean to you?

What (Street) Photography means for me in buzzwords : Creativity, philocaly, passion, social contacts and responsibility, adrenaline, fun, empathy, individualism, psychology, freedom, rebellion, art, sociology, a form of meditation, fresh air, a way of survival, kind of sports, self-expression – authenticity – it became my life.


Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

Cool, fresh, young, stylish, edgy, authentic, lively, esthetic,humorous, modern with a classic touch, positive, emotional, creative.


Where do you get inspiration from?From everywhere - music videos, Pop Stars, celebs, fashion, models, films, street, art, advertisement, social media, design.


Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?

I usually decide spontaneously - only the location is chosen, but we move from there also to other places - everything is improvised.


Studio, on location or both?

Location only.


Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I don't even know  the word hobby - it's a fulltime job.


What has been your most memorable session and why?

Actually - they're all memorable, as there're always unexpected things happening and a bit of danger as well.


Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

Nikon 18-200 mm


What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

It is very difficult nowadays - a strong will, passion, patience, consistency and a lot of talent - Know How is needed, be selective.


What do you think of our new magazine?

It is an attractively made new magazine with a fresh and inspiring input.


Model Anna Schweim 

Model: Isi Soto 

Model: Olga Rodríguez 

Model: Sina Valentina 

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