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Interview: Cover Girl Irina Lossenko (Estonia)


Can you tell us a little about you?

I am a simple girl who is listening to her soul and doing what it feels. enjoying my life every second of this life experience.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Well, i love myself the way i was created and wouldn’t change anything, but it doesn’t mean that i will ever stop in making me a better that i was before. i love my body and thats why i will always practice different kind of sports( i go to gym, do mountain bike, hiking, rock climbing, yoga and pilates, i enjoy paling soccer with my friends and volley on a beach, i love paddle surf and water ski. i love the beauty of my face and thats why i will continue practice face building and beauty treatments. i love energy and strength i have and will be kind to feed me with best and healthiest foods out there.

How did you start modeling?

My first model experience happened to me when i was 16, in Estonia, one man asked me if i was modelling, and this is how it starts, after couple of years i moved to Milano and finally made it seriously(this

is what i thought), now that I’m 31 i really enjoy it cos it is getting bigger every day that passes.

What do you think of the work as a model?

Modelling is like to be an actor, you are playing different roles, interpretating different feelings. its can be not easy, cos all of us has their own life and moments but its also teaching you to have control on you. i love it, its a lot of fun, new crazy artistic person around you. i thing to try once in life.

What is your beauty regimen?

Day starts with a glass of warm water and curcuma, then in a bathroom i wake up my body by rotating all part with easy circulate motions, then dry brushing. now face, foam cleancer, then serum, cream and finishing with body cream. finishing my day by having a good coffee scrub (made by me) and a good shower, or bath with sea salt and essential oils.

What are your plans for the future?

This one is really beautiful, Imagine yourself standing on white, soft and warm sand, in front of friendly ocean that can’t wait to hug and refresh you, turn yourself and you will see a tropical forest with trees full of fruits, wild birds and monkeys made their house on palms, so about 50 meters inside this land you will find my luxurious but very easy hotel, that has SPA with holistic and healing treatments, a small boutique and of course a restaurant with healthy-healing foods. Enjoy

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I am like others and would not call me a special person cos each and every one of us was created Special with every cell of out body, mind and soul that distinguishes us.we are all amazing, particular. but i can tell you i play one simple game that helps me stay on track and live shiny and sunny life, this game has only one rule, that, in everything that is happening to you, you have to see a positive concept. it sounds easy and it will be, once you see a result, but in practice every time something good comes, you confirm that everything goes awesome and when something unpleasant comes, you say that all goes right, like it should, that your world is taking care of you and brings closer to what you really desire. cos you still dream and desire, right?

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

Every day is my best experience, i have made a lot of extreme sports, visited a lot of countries, met amazing people and that day when i was having that experience was the best day even.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

The best way to do it is to relax and listen to your heart cos everything is already inside of you, you already have everything. you can do it. just do and take it.

What do you think of the magazine?

I love the concept of your magazine and to see me inside.

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