- Modellenland
Interview: Photographer Erica Rockabella Lundin (Sweden)
Tell us something about yourself
In addition to the photography, my family consists of my husband, my 16 year old daughter who allso is a model and you se her in some of the pictures in this editorial. And allso we have 7 pet snakes. Yes, you read correctly, we have 7 snakes at home and I've had a love for reptiles throughout my whole life.
Other interests I have is to hang out with friends of course, but I'm also passionate about youtube. I have my own Swedish YouTube channel where I'm quite open about myself and my life so it's not directly associated with photography. Hardly at all actually. But if you wish to find me there my channel namne is Pink Ruby.
How and when did you get into photography?
Before I got behind the camera, I was standing in front of the camera as a model. I thought it was really fun, but I did not feel that I got an outlet for my own creativity and ideas. So I finally decided to get my own camera and started shooting and I loved it. I started shooting 8 years ago now, and I still have the same passion and love for photography today as then.
What does photography mean to you?
Perhaps a strange answer, but it's my escape from reality. I go so deeply into the photo idea that for the moment it becomes my reality. Feel the feeling the image will convey, and I'll form my own story behind each image. During each photoshoot, I'm only there and then at that moment. Maybe a little bit poetic but that's how I feel.
Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.
This one is a little bit tricky to answer for me, cause I don't really have a specific style. I adapt to each photoshoot. What kind of photo session is it? What emotions fit this idea? What style of retouch is right for this picture to get the right feeling? Should it be hard or soft? Cold or warm? As you can see in my pictures, each image has its own style.
Where do you get inspiration from?
Oh wow! From so many places. Different locations, colors, emotions, outfits, the look of a model, but ofcourse allso from my favorite photographers. My absolute favorite is without a doubt Jean Noir. LOVE his work! He's amazing!
Think you in advance what you want in the picture?
Most of the time, absolutely. But sometimes it can get a little bit spontaneously.
Studio, on location or both?
Did both before, but now I only shoot on location. Love it! It gives the pictures a whole different feeling.
Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?
Both, some shoots I do just for fun. But in between I do paid shoots. You gotta make a living, right?
What has been your most memorable session and why?
Definitely a wedding shoot I did last summer. Had a broken rib but was still up and climbed a tree to get the right angle. Hurt like hell, but the picture was great. What dont you do for the sake of art.
What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work?
Dependes on what I'm shooting but mostly feelings, places and everything else you can turn in to art.
Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?
Allways Canon for sure. Lens, Canons 50mm.
What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer
looking to start their own business?
Keep in mind that your photos represent you as a photographer, so just show the photos you're really proud of. Do not underestimate yourself, realize that your work is worth something. Customers hire you because they like your pictures as you shoot and retouch them. My experience is that if you do not realize your own value what your work is worth, then customers will not do it either. And you often get customers who want much more than what they paid for if you set your price too low.
What do you think of our new magazine?
It looks great! Feels very fresh and modern. It captures your interest.