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Interview: Photographer Luca Defant (Italy)

Can you tell us a little about you?

I do not really like to talk about myself, I prefer to photograph and I do not like writing, otherwise I would have made the writer not the photographer.

How and when did you go into photography?

After finishing the summer school I worked as a photojournalist at a local newspaper.

What does photography mean for you?

Photography in my life is a big part is passion, love and work.

Briefly describe your photo style for our readers.

My style of photography I think is elegant with a touch of sensuality and I hope never vulgar.

Where Do You Get Inspiration?

I've never realized where inspiration comes in many times is in my head, just find it.

Think in advance what do you want in the image?

More than half of the work is already in the lead, the rest is improvising

Study, in position or both?

I work both in the studio and in the outside even if outside with natural light is where I find myself better.

Do You Consider a Hobbyist or a Retired Professional?

I am a professional photographer if not always paid in the right way.

What was the most memorable session and why?

The most memorable session is always the last one, because previous sessions have allowed me to get to this point.

What was the greatest source of inspiration in your work?

"There are so many things that can inspire me, even the simple or the common things, just look with careful eyes.

Nikon About Canon? Preferred lens?

Canon is my first love. the first love never forgets. the 50mm is the optic with which I work best.

What is the advice you would like to offer to a new photographer who plans to start a business?

This activity starts only if you feel this passion strong within yourself.

What do you think about our new magazine?

It is very interesting to see the work of photographers of different experiences and countries.

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