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Model: Claudia Borioni (Italy) Announces her pregnancy


Claudia Borioni, a famous Italian model, announces her pregnancy for the first time on the Modellenland's pages. The model, who had always been very reserved about her private life reveals how is her life now that she’s pregnant.

The Italian model Claudia Borioni shows all the beauty of her first pregnancy in two different shooting made by Giacinto Malospiriti and Francesco Micheli with the collaboration of the makeup artist Veronica Micheli. The girl doesn’t give indiscretion on the expected date of childbirth but judging by the roundness of the model the birth should be in the spring, between March and April. For her and her husband is a dream come true “Pregnancy is probably one of the most important moments in a couple's life: my husband and I are delighted to welcome our baby and we will do our best to be the best possible parents”.

Claudia preferred to publish her first photo with her baby bump by her self because she wanted a picture “with a filter," as she joked commenting on the shot posted on her social last December “I never been a slim girl and now that I'm pregnant I’ve become fatten but I don’t care about it, I eat healthy food and I’m trying to have a good life style, when my baby will be born I’ll have all the time for lose weight.”

The model, that is wonderful in her all new generous beauty, is spending a period away from work in total relax with the maximum attention to her privacy. She says “The look it’s still important for me, becoming a mum doesn’t mean loose the style so I’m trying to keep my looks cool and to have a fashion and comfortable outfits. In this shootings my sponsors helps me a lot, I have to give a special thanks H.U.N.T, ITuber, Flammy, Supercut, Isurf eyewear, Fantasia Braccialetti and MV Label Jewelry for their support.”

Claudia is very jealous about her baby and her private life so she talks rarely about it but she want give some advice to our readers “My advice for all the pregnant women like me it’s to live this nine months with serenity and joy. I work less and enjoy the life with relax and comfort, away from the stress and near the people I love. My priorities it’s my baby and his health, all the other things can be wait.”

Photographer Giacinto Malospiriti Makeup Giovanna Antonia Stasi. Style by: Fantasia braccialetti, Yell, Mv Label Jewelry.

Photographer Francesco Micheli Make up Veronica Micheli. Style by: Hunt, ITuber, Flammy, Fantasia Braccialetti, Isurf eyewear, Mv Label Jewelry and Supercut

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