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Interview: Photographer Nico Lahaye (France)

Tell us something about yourself.

I’m French Photographer based in Nancy in a studio called « Galerie et Studio Grenadine ». I’m specialized in Family portrait, boudoir, wedding and nude photography.

I began to takes photos 10 years ago in nightclub and years after years i worked on different projects for champagne brands and fashion creations. So now i’m working on a new studio project. Stay tuned ;)

How and when did you get into photography?

I get into digital photography in 2010 because i was obsessed by creating images in nightclub. I love the girls on Saturday nights when they’re dancing, and i love the image we can produce with the lights on the dance floor. It was my first photo project. And now, i still work on clubs in France and in Luxemburg.

What does photography mean to you?

For me photography means get with people. I love meet new people and i love take photos of them. It’s synonym to have some really good moments and i’m always excited to go to a new photoshoot days after days, years after years.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I just love the relationship we have between my model or my client and I. It’s really important to have a really great moment when the takes photos together. Even if it’s on a wedding or really late in the night, i really want to have a really really good relationship with people. And i love the result of all of these images.

In my studio, i love minimalist lighting setup. Just 1 or 2 lights, and let the magic happens !

Where do you get inspiration from?

I get my inspiration from all the photographers that i see all around me but my principal inspiration is the place i am. I can’t make the same images in Paris or in Nancy. The place and the light are not the same, people are not the same and moment are not the same. So the place is really important for me.

Think you in advance what you want in the picture?

It depend of the project. For boudoir or nude i prefer to prepare the photoshoot and i now where i goes. But for wedding and nightclub photograph i just let the magic happens.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I’m a paid professional because it’s my full-time job.

Studio, on location or both?

Both. Everything in photography is exciting.

What has been your most memorable session and why?

My most memorable session happened few weeks ago. We just did a boudoir with 4 models, and everything was great. We had a fabulous team and a fabulous place. The result was to do big prints for the client and when we saw our pictures in a great format, it was just amazing.

What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work?

People are my biggest source of inspiration for me. Because everything happens in the eyes without a word. We can do amazing pictures without any word, only when eyes are speaking. And for me it’s the most important thing.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

For me it’s not really important but i love medium format specially Fujifilm GFX 50S and Hasselblad X1D. But i worked really long time with the Nikon D4S. I love 85mm lenses in 24x36 because it’s the image as i think in my mind. And for medium format, 100mm are the best !

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

If i can give one advice it’s to buy a good screen, a 50mm, a Peter Lindbergh’s book and go to shoot a lot a girls, a lot of kids, and take a lot of time to print your images. Watching images on beautiful glossy paper helps you to see what’s going on in your images.

What do you think of our new magazine?

I really love it ! Images are awesome and the presentation is really cool. congratulations guys ;)

You Facbook or website

My facebook is : Nico Lahaye, and « Galerie et Studio Grenadine Nancy ».

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