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Interview: Photographer Mascha Foto n Design (Austria / Vienna)


Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Mascha Fekete, I am 26 years old and I live in Vienna. I hold three degrees, namely in advertising and market communication, in media design and media engineering. Besides photography I perform graphic design, video editing and I conduct workshops. 2015 I started freelancing and founded my own company Mascha Foto n Design. I did grow up in a very creative environment as my father lectures at an art academy and my mother is a web designer and directs an art association. Creativity means a lot to me – I do unfold my creativity in the abovementioned fields and also by often painting and singing.

How and when did you get into photography? It all started with a school friend as I turned 14. We were very focused on film and video at this time. She wrote scripts, we both filmed, acted and then I edited the footage with Adobe Premiere. My father had inspired me as he himself then worked a lot with Premiere and Photoshop. He taught me how to use the programs enabling me to edit complete movies at the age of 14. We also participated at film festivals and I was even recruited by a company who appreciated my editing. Although it was work on a voluntary basis, I did much enjoy it. After these experiences it didn’t take me long to start learning Photoshop too. We took mutual photos of us with the small digital camera of my brother editing the images directly. That was so much fun that I decided to bring this hobby to perfection. Starting with refining lighting by using spotlights and further learning Photoshop. On my sixteenth birthday I received my first Single Lens Reflex camera and decided shortly thereafter to start my apprenticeship as media expert.

I took photography and graphic design more and more serious and kept studying further. The beginning of a love that hasn’t ended till today.

What does photography mean to you?

Maybe it is like a small love story. We got to know each other for a long time, it became part of my life and boom we got married. Haha! But seriously: To me photography means freedom with responsibility. I have the freedom to live my creativity but also the responsibility towards the people which I photograph, who follow my works and of course also towards myself. As I do want to keep a certain level of perfection, if not increasing it. And it does give me some feeling of pride and fulfilment.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I am a people photographer – with a focus on portrait photography. My style is easily defined. I love perfection – especially in retouching. As such I prefer beauty photography. I want to capture beauty. I also love strong and clear colours. It is very rare for me to use a colour look on my images, tampering with the original colours.

Where do you get inspiration from? Almost anything can inspire me. But mostly I am inspired by beauty trends. I do a lot of research in the world of beauty and as a beauty photographer I seek to do the most out of the different hypes encountered. Which I then try to display in a creative manner, fancying exaggeration too. Obviously also I get inspired from other photographers.

Think you in advance what you want in the picture?

Absolutely! I plan each shooting thoroughly – in order to brief the make-up artist and the model. The planning also foresees with which make-up we start, enabling us to structure the shooting in the most efficient way. On the set we do not have much time, all has to go very quick. Many ideas would not have been implemented if they were not planned ahead. Of course I always allow the freedom of spontaneous changes on the set.

Studio, on location or both?

At the moment I am rather in the studio. But next year I plan to risk shooting more outdoors, in nature. I find nature enthralling as background of a photography – such as a small lake, a rock or just green.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I'd say both! Yes, I am definitely a paid professional, but I do also effect unpaid shootings to enjoy my creativity and to further train myself.

What has been your most memorable session and why?

For me this question is difficult to answer. I cannot limit the answer to a single experience. I'd rather say, the most memorable sessions are the first ones of their kind. The first one at the studio, the first one with a professional model, the first one with a make-up artist and the first time I got paid for it. These are the moments I will never forget.

What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work?

I have watched many portraits of many photographers. Many images were very beautiful to me, but it was always the same kind of images that amazed me. Those in beauty photography – I then knew what I wanted to do. Today, in order to develop further professionally, I observe what others are doing, compare it and find what I can still improve.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

I always used Canon. At the moment I really enjoy the 50mm Portrait Lens.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

There was a time when I just took photos of people. I didn’t know what I wanted to say with my images and I couldn’t really develop myself further. The biggest hint I got at this time was to specialize on something. Not on too many topics. I would not be where I am today, had I not decided to go for beauty photography. This is why I would like to pass on this advice – "Get specialized on a theme and develop yourself further in this direction. It will then be much easier for you to create new ideas!"

What do you think of our new magazine?

It is a great opportunity to get to know each other and it is a great representation platform. I am always amazed by discovering the artist behind his or her works. And it is very inspiring!

Model: Elai Menai Make up and Hair: Paulina Moldovan

Model: Elena Höglinger Make up and Hair: Carina Denise

Model: Elena Höglinger Make up and Hair: Carina Denise

Model: Cara Hellerschmid Make up and Hair: Carina Denise

Model: Cara Hellerschmid Make up and Hair: Carina Denise

Model: Sonja Plöchl Make up and Hair: Paulina Moldovan

Model: Sonja Plöchl Make up and Hair: Paulina Moldovan

Model: Alina Chlebecek Make up and Hair: Carina Denise

Model: Alina Chlebecek Make up and Hair: Carina Denise

Model: Birgit Kogler Make up: Paulina Moldovan

Model: Birgit Kogler Make up: Paulina Moldovan

Model: Sonja Plöchl Make up and Hair: Paulina Moldovan

Model: Elai Menai Make up and Hair: Paulina Moldovan

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