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Interview: Winner of the month Natalia Michalewska (Poland)


Can you tell us a little about you? I'm Natalia Michalewska. Im 18. I live in a small town called Iława which is placed in Poland. Im learning in high school. My main school subjects are geography and math. I love drawing, basketball and fashion.. I started my moddel career when i was eleven.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I dont like my height. I want to be higher. The world of mod-eling would be a much easier for me.

How did you start modeling? When i was eleven i went on holidays with my cousin. She was the first person who photographed me. When we comeback to home she told to my mom that i could be a model in the future. At the begginng i wanted making photos and thats the reason why i collected money and bought camera. I was making the photos of my friends and my friends were making the photos of me. I remmeber that we had a lot of fun when we insert our photos on facebook. One day a girl from model agency wrote to me on facebook. I showed this message my mom and Maria - my best friend. Maria created my account on maxmodels. Agency rejected me because i was too low. But my portolio started to increase and my experience growing up. One year ago Maria suggested me to create a fanpage of my person on facebook and I did it(I'm still not belong to any agency)...

What do you think of the work as a model? It's very unique work. It allows to meet many people from diffrent places. We can also travel around the world and see a lot of wonderful views.

What is your beauty regimen? I practise every day with Mel B. One or two times per week I go to gym. Healthy eating is the key to looking good.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? Freckles, red hair and characteristic wearing.

What are your plans for the future? I want to be a interior designer. I want doing something which allow my drawing. Unless i will have oppurtunity to go deeper in modelling. That would change everything.

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