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Interview: Model Mishale C Ora (Germany)

Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Cora Mishale Altuner, also known as Mishale C Ora. I am 22 years old and I´m a person who likes to try new things. This includes modeling which I already do for about a year. I like to be creative in many ways such as photography, painting and writing blogs. Doing sports regularly is also very important to me to balance out my office job. What matters to me and makes me who I am is my freedom to shape my life as I want it to be.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I just wanted to have some good pictures of me and tried to find out what photographer nearby would like to shoot with me. As one thing has led to another through this photographer (Bülent Aydin), I also met other photographers and did photo shootings with them as well. This is how my abilites as a model have quickly improved.

How did you start modeling?

The only thing I would change about myself is that I would like to have 100% clear skin. But everyone has their flaws so you just have to learn to love them.

What do you think of the work as a model?

The work as a model can be very exhausting, but it's worth it because it´s also a lot of fun. And when the shoot is over and everyone is pleased with the good job/work we’ve done, we enjoy the wonderful results.

What is your beauty regimen?

Once a week I do something good for myself. A face pack, then a facial scrub and a nice hot bath. Then I do a manicure and pedicure; I call it beauty day. But most importantly, I drink plenty of water and cleanse my face every day.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I am a very loving and patient person. I make intuitive decisions in every aspect of my life. Since there aren’t many black models in Germany, I feel this might be something that distinguishes me from others.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to enhance my abilities and learn more as a model, but also in general. I want to continue to make beautiful pictures. I look for the possibility to become more well-known and get booked for larger projects.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

The most beautiful experiences actually are when I receive the results from the photographers and I can see how different I can look in every picture. And also when I see how good I can look. The style of each photographer is an art in itself.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

If you have been told that you should model because of how you look, then go for it! But just know that modeling comes with its challenges so you should think about it carefully. And also know that there are serious photographers in your area. Just ask them for a shoot. When you' re just starting out, he / she will give you lots of good advice. But beware of those who are not so serious (or professional). Always make sure to find out as much as you can about each photographer. Even take a friend along to the shooting, if possible, just to be on the safe side.

What do you think of the magazine?

It´s very inspiring. I love to look at such beautiful pictures. Thank you!

Photo: Wolfgang Faigle Fotografie, Make Up: Jennifer Papa

Photo: Photodesign Josef Kristof

Photo: Bülent Aydin, B. A. FOTO / ARTS

Photo: Diana Apanachii Marsch, Fotoart24

Photo: Bülent Aydin, B. A. FOTO / ARTS, Designer: Emily Häupler

Photo: Diana Apanachii Marsch, Fotoart24

Photo: Alexey Kn Photos

Photo: nou_photo_ (Instagram)

Photo: nou_photo_ (Instagram)

Photo: nou_photo_ (Instagram)

Photo: Martin Wahler / Impressive Photo, Make Up: Sabrina Raber

Photo: Claudius Keller Fotografie

Photo: Wolfgang Faigle Fotografie, Make Up: Jennifer Papa

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