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Interview: Model Sylina Ruiz (USA)


Can you tell us a little about you?

I feel like I have a very open personality, and I’m not a very nervous person either. I believe in enjoying the little things in life and trying to make the best of each day. I need to be able to go out and do crazy things, see crazy things, stay in when you want, work hard, and just live. Everyone should. So that’s what I try to do. I’ve been underestimated and made fun of a lot, but you learn to breathe and keep going. With that being said, I’ve also learned to spread positivity to people more often.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

The fact that I’m late for 95% of things.

How did you start modeling?

Actually, my friend Aaron dragged me into it without me even knowing. He had a friend that was looking for models to represent a clothing line called ‘Fashiontco.’ Before I knew it, I got a phone call from him saying, “Hey don’t hate me but I signed you up for a thing.” And next thing I know we’re going to Atlanta for this photoshoot! It was a lot of fun and a huge learning experience. When I got my pictures back, keep in mind these were not good because I wasn’t good, I started posting them and got a lot of good feedback and people wanting to work with me. I couldn’t believe it! I started taking the opportunities that came my way and I’ve been doing it part-time ever since. Things just get bigger and better the more I do it!

What do you think of the work as a model?

I think it’s a lot of hard work, but it’s also amazing. You get to go to beautiful places, meet incredible people, and see extraordinary things. Sometimes you have to get in freezing cold water or hike miles in high temperatures, it’s not always pleasant but it’s always worth it. There’s also a lot of perfectionism, paperwork, submissions, and traveling that come along with it. But honestly, if you love it, you hardly even know you’re working.

What is your beauty regimen?

I have a really bad habit of not taking off my makeup before bed, but when I do, I use Equate makeup wipes to take it off. I also use various facemasks, one every few days. I like wearing the ender eye masks as well. I also use an oil-free face scrub by Clearasil because it’s good for acne, blackheads, and just cleaning out your pores. I use Dove for shampoo and condition because it’s really good for your hair and makes mine really soft. I also moisturize my whole entire body with Aloe lotion and use Maybelline skin tightening lotion for my face. And when it comes to my makeup, I like to use a lot of different stuff, but I mainly make sure it’s all oil-free or stuff that doesn’t clog up your pores.

What are your plans for the future?

I have several plans! I still want to see where modeling takes me. I’m going back to school to become an accountant. I want to be a tattoo artist at some point as well. I still want to travel some more. I guess to keep it simple, I’m going to be working very hard to pursue these things.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

Well, like I mentioned before, I’m very open as a person and free spirited. I can talk to almost anyone of any age or with any type of personality. When I have my own beliefs, I still consider what others have to say. I’m able to be completely unbiased in situations so that I can see all perspectives of it. I’m strong minded, but kind. I’m very versatile and can manipulate my looks. I can also change myself to fit into a certain setting better when the time calls for it.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

All of the sight-seeing and adventuring. I’ve seen beautiful city over-looks, amazing waterfalls, and really cool art places. One of the weirdest things I’ve done to get a cool picture was taking a milk bath. It was soft and room temperature, but all I smelled was milk. So when I got out, I smelled like milk. I had milk in places I never thought it would be.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

To be patient. You can’t expect to just be good at modeling or it blow up over-night. It usually just doesn’t happen like that. You have to be patient with people, with yourself as you’re learning, and with your work.

What do you think of the magazine?

I love it. I think it was an awesome opportunity for me. I also love being able to see so many different talents in here and how organized it all it. It’s designed very well.

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