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Interview: Photographer Joanna Kozłowska (Poland)

Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Joanna Kozłowska. I am from Poland.

How and when did you get into photography? Photography has been my passion for 15 years . I discovered photography pretty late at the age of 52

What does photography mean to you?

My pictures allow me to create a bit of magic world which I find very fascinating and intriguing. Drawing and painting were always close to my heart but photography is even more powerful for me.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

My pictures concepts are rooted in classical paintings and also fairy tales from my childhood. In my work, background is as important as a model. I like to give my models various, not obvious items like old scissors, iron or empty birdcage, etc In editing my pictures I use some simple photoshop tools.

Where do you get inspiration from?

Internet tutorials has always been very useful for me, that’s why I try to transplant this knowledge in my editing space.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

I work with the Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera and my favorite lens are canon 85m /1.2

Studio, on location or both?

I don’t use any external studios, because most of the pictures were taken in my garden or house.

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