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Biography: Photographer Małgorzata Drozdowska-Słyż (Poland)

I'm photographer, based in Wrocław, Lower Silesia in Poland.

Since I has remembered I enjoy photography. At college I wanted to take pictures with shallow depth of field, so I asked my dad to help me buy a manual reflex camera. My dad used to be interested in photography and had a darkroom. Initially, I photographed architecture because of my studies (History of Art). I needed some building's images to illustrate my undergraduate work about the Art Nouveau architecture in Wroclaw.

Final part on my way to professional photography has been experience on the other side of the camera. For some time I worked as a model. I noticed that the images from some photoshoots were very amateur. So I has began take my own photoshoots with models. It's turned out working as a photographer gives me more satisfaction. For a long time I learned myself and developed my creativity.

Thanks to photography, I can express myself, create images in my own way and that's what I like the most. I feel a great need to create. I want my work to be appreciated by the audience, but creative expression is equally important. At some point, photographs have also become a form of self-therapy for me.

I constantly look around and look for beauty in various forms. I like to observe and listen to people.

I specialize in portrait photography, fashion and creative photography. I especially like to photograph women, to look for beauty and femininity in them. I often experiment with color, reflections and glass. I always put on naturalness. I think that your own, unforced model poses are the best. I also do not like the unnatural and strong retouching of the skin.

I have exhibitions and numerous publications in domestic and foreign fashion magazines, including Glasses Project, Elegant Magazine, Sheeba Magazine.

I think the most important skills of the photographer is a good eye - the photographer should see more than other people, have technical skills, have good contact with people and deal with low budget.

I draw inspiration for my work from many sources: painting, architecture, music, fashion. Sometimes I read about some incredible place, other times I see a photo / illustration / film like “Neon Demon”, which has a strong influence on my imagination. It also happens that I just want to experiment with glass, reflections, color, etc. after viewing others photographer's portfolios.

I value the work of such photographers as Christian Coigny, Elizaveta Porodina, Tim Walker, Emil Biliński and David La Chapelle.

I love old tenement houses (especially those of Art Nouveau!) And I dream about a photo studio in such a tenement house. I am a fan of elegant apartments, modern design and interior design. I'm relaxed doing nothing and delicious meals. I love to eat and get to know new flavors. Dance and good music give me great joy and recharge the batteries with positive energy.

Make-up & Style: Ma³gorzata Drozdowska-S³y¿

Dress: Judyta Rybka

Make-up: Magdalena Szczêsna Model: Klaudia

Model: Iwona

Make-up: Kasia Bors Model: Renata

Model: @Myskena

Style: Joanna G³owacka Model: Patryk @SpotManagement

Make-up & Style: Joanna G³owacka Model: Alicja @SpotManagement

Make-up & Style: Agata Zabielska

Make-up & Hair: Roma Szafarek Model: Natalia J. @SpotManagement

Make-up: Joanna G³owacka Style: Marcelina Glasse Model: Monika @SpotManagement

Make-up: Edyta Czerwiñska Style: Joanna Sobczak Model: Dominika

Make-up & Hair: Roma Szafarek Style: Joanna G³owacka Model: Paulina @SpotManagement

Make-up: Magdalena Szczêsna Designer: Dorota Woytasiewicz Model: Klaudia

Make-up: Agata Szulc Style: Joanna G³owacka Model: Sandra @SpotManagement

Designer: Dorota Woytasiewicz Model: Klaudia

Make-up & Style: Joanna G³owacka Model: Anastazja @SpotManagement

Make-up: Joanna G³owacka Designer: Ma³gorzata Lipkowska Model: Ania M. @SpotManagement

Make-up: Agata Szulc Style: Joanna G³owacka Model: Sandra @SpotManagement

Make-up: Joanna G³owacka Designer: Ma³gorzata Lipkowska Model: Ania M. @SpotManagement

Make-up: Roma Szafarek Style & Hat: Kamila Fyda-Sikorska Model: Ines @SpotManagement

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