Interview: Model Erika Zami (UK)
Can you tell us a little about you?
I’m originaly from Lithuania. I live here for nearly 6 years and did quite a lot int this time! I am full time phone/laptop technician as well as bussiness owner, modeling since I came here part-time and recently fall in love with photography too! I am very energised, as are Sagittarius sign people haha. Very bubbly, honest and i think really hard working. Sitting around all day at home is not for me!
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
Nothing. My answer would be different 6 years ago. Coming to England on my own, meeting so many people through modeling tought me a lot of things as well I gained a lot of confidence. Now I love myself trully and fully
How did you start modeling?
Well, back in Lithuania I won a photoshoot ove Facebook. Then it all started, i loved it. When I came her, I met an amazing photographer named Gaving King, who told me how this industry works in here and trully believed in me. Then I start digiging and build my portfolio
What do you think of the work as a model?
It’s not as easy as some people think! But its job/hobby that will teach you a lot. Physicly and mentally
What is your beauty regimen?
I do a bit of skincare routine but nothing too much. Gym time to time. What makes beauty stand out is beeing positive and happy person, then its just going out through your inside and thats what I try to do
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
I’m very easy going, I think I’m easy to work with
What are your plans for the future?
Oh way too many to tell exact. I guess future will show!
What are some of your favorite experiences so far?
Photoshoot in Aberdeen was quite nice. And cold! Oh and and every shoot with Sebastian Cartier is an experience of a lifetime.
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?
Just go for it. If you will try, you will never know what you do and what not. You have to taste it to understand if you like it
What do you think of the magazine?
Oh its great, I really like the concept and I think interwiev part is really interesting for people to read!
Facebook Erika Zami-Zukauskiene
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