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Interview: Photographer Massimiliano Uccelletti (Italy)


Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Massimiliano Uccelletti, aka MaXu, italian photographer living in Rome.

I am the founder of, website that hosts one fo the best photographic event in Italy and, an italian photographic Video tutorial website.

How and when did you get into photography?

My passion for photography arose more than twenty-five years ago, when I bought my first reflex, a Nikon AF-601.

For many years I have mocked myself as a simple amateur photographer and although many have complimented my photos by saying: "Hey! You should be a photographer.", I never seriously thought about becoming one, also because I had another passion: computer science, which was my job until 2008.

The spark that brought me to professionalism came on in 2006, when a friend of mine, a member of Mensa (association to which I belong) introduced me to internet photography forums (Thanks Adriano!). A world opened up to me. I found it absolutely stimulating and educational to submit one's photos to the judgment of a wide audience.

From that day on, I started posting photos, always drawing inspiration to improve myself from the opinions of photographic communities.

I have thousands of photos published on Internet and many times have been highlighted as "Photos of the day / week / month" and well... this is not my first interview. :-)

What does photography mean to you?

Photography is a form of expression. For me it is a passion, which is perhaps even difficult to describe in words.

I try to represent beauty, what I like, trying to go beyond appearances, not dwelling on it alone. Photographing the soul of people is the most difficult task for a photographer. Sometimes, maybe, I can.

For me, however,photography is also technical, not just instinct. I dedicated a lot of attention to the technical side. The "perfect photo" for me is when the technique and the content are both at their best.

Where do you get inspiration from?

From people itself. I usually talk with models before shooting, to understand who they are and what they like.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

Glamour. I research the beauty that is in every person, in every model. Yes! Usually I shoot female models. Most of the time they are also naked. But even when they are fully naked I look at their face, their espression, their eyes... that must have that sparkle that brings people to appreciate the photo.

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture ?

Before starting every I turn on my brain before my camera. I figure the picture in my mind, then I set up and turn on the lights and then my camera. One test shot, and I am ready. From now on I do with some improvisation.

Studio, on location or both?

Everywhere! I like to shoot in any condition and with any light available. I get bored quite easy, so I need to change often.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I am a professional since 2007

What has been your most memorable session and why?

Any Session is memorable. Because every model is "special" and I know that the pictures we make will witness who we are what we do. It's very special when I see shootings happened years before. Just yesterday I did a shooting with a model that I shot for the first time 13 years ago. Now she has a baby (but she is still gorgeous) and we spent some time looking at the old pictures.

In these days people takes photos only to post on social networks, but for me pictures are still a memory and the main reason I take pictures is because I want these memories and I want to share with the people I shoot.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

I use Canon from 2006. My favorite lens is "my son" 85mm f/1.2L II USM

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Don't do it! Do another job and leave photography as a (big) passion. You will be free to do anything you want to and you will be also able to pay the rent. :-)

What do you think of our new magazine?

What magazine??? Ah, ok... Modellenland Magazine !!! I am joking.. of course. Well... I think it is a very nice idea, very well developed and I am honoured to be part of it.













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