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Interview: Photographer Lorenzo Viola (Italy)


Can you tell us a little about you?

Hi, my name il Lorenzo Viola, I’m an italian professional Photographer, based in Milan, From 11 years photography is literally my life, i’m always searching for the perfect instant to shoot with my camera.

How and when did you get into photography?

As i mentioned, I’m inside photography from 11 years, everything started almost for fun, but every shot i took made my passion grow more and more every day. My first set was in a little studio, trying to make some portraits and above all trying to understood how lights should be used.

What does photography mean to you?

Photography is absolutely part of my life…in every person i can see something distinctive that i would like to catch with my camera. Every photo “freeze” an instant, and can express more than 1000 words, and it will remain there for a long, long time.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

Personally I love to shoot in different styles, from portraits to glamour/nude, but never explicit. Usually i like to “build” a set around the model, i love to discuss wit them how to create a specific set and doing my best to make some different as usual. Glamour is my preferred style, because i love to let women and men to express all the sensuality that is enclosed in each of us.

Where do you get inspiration from?

I’m always inspired from who I want to shoot with. All te rest coming shot by shot.

Studio, on location or both?

I shoot in both places, it always depend on what kind of set i would like to create. Outside is less “sterile” because of the surrounding, and I can make pictures exploiting what is around me. In studio I really like to create different lights and shadows, especially in portraits.

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture ?

Absolutely, I always plan my sets, trying to have the result that I’ve imagined before.

8 Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I’m a professionale Photographer so…yes, I think I have a nice experience, but I know however that in every set i can learn something more.

What has been your most memorable session and why?

For sure a set in Rome with a great, beauty and fantastic Person and model, Elodie Vegliante; she was dressed in gold with transparency, and we took pics near a little lake. From that moment a fantastic friendship has born.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

I’m a “Canon man”, I’ve tried to use a Nikon in the beginning but…Canon remains my preferred.

I usually use a 24/105 Ultrasonic that is pretty versatile, and a stabilized 70/300.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

I think that a good and varied portfolio is the key to present yourself, is a business card that can show how you really work, so…building your own portfolio is the first step to do.

What do you think of our new magazine?

I think is really various, with some pictures really amazing, and maybe it could be a "launch pad” for someone, even more so that it is free, so I’ve enjoyed your Magazine.

Model Marika Puffa

Model Federica Mannino

Model Elodie Vegliante

Model Elisa Balsamo

Model Chiara Manese

Model Eleonora Ghirello

Model Cinzia Vezzoli

Model Alessia Orlandi

Models Marco Brescia, Giada Confalonieri

Model Veronica Rossi

Model Stella Rossi

Model Martina Finocchio

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