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Interview: Agnieszka Kropacz Fotografi (Poland)


Can you tell us a little about you?

Hi, my name is Agnieszka Kropacz. I'm from Poland. In 2016 I went to " Studio of Art Photography TSF" where I've learnt advanced technics of digital image processing. I also took part in 2 day "Beauty Photography" training Quadralite Road Show 2018 organised by Cyfrowe, where the practical part of the training was led by outstanding and very well known polish photographer Piotr Werner and by Fashion Photography.

I have completed 3 other advanced digital image courses led by Katarzyna Maczyszczyn a founder of Artpozytywni, a group I took significant role in. Currently becasue of lack of free time I'm mainly focused on commercial and personal projects.

How and when did I get into photography?

5 years ago I bought my first camera and I had no idea how to use it. I had zero knowladge. That's where my journey with photography began and continues till now. Every day I discover something new, I'm hungry for knowladge and I want to keep learning and improve my skills. These 5 years my view on photography evolved and it still does.

What does photography mean to you?

Photograpny is a huge passion of mine. Every photo shoot gives me knew experience, lets me get to know fantastic people I meet along the way. Every person I meet and every place I discover brings new, unforgattble experience in my life which I'm grateful for. It's like discovering new lands... Someone said "once you start you'll never be bored again". Every single day I'm inspired by things around me like nature, books, images I look at. Everywhere I go I look for interesting places to take photo shoots.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

My style is as different as the people I take pictures of. I think having one style is boring and I prefer to be flexible and suprise my audiance. My style is writing different scenario each time. Once I know who will stand in front on my camera I use my imagination and create images in my head, then I look for the right place so it all comes together.

Studio, on location or both?

Studio Photography is still a novelty to me, unknown lands because I don`t have much experience In it. I bought my first set of studio lamps 1,5 years ago Ana decided to try my first shoots. It`s a constant serach for newsetups, still have a long way In front of me.

Studio Photography and outdoor Photography are completely two different worlds. In a studio you have control over the lighting, and outdoors the Feather decides for you. I love outdoors Photography, I think it gives you a lot of different opportunities to create your own setting. They are difinitely less differentiating and stressful for pe ople I work with.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

For a long time I didn`t wont to refer to myself as a photographer. I thought that Orly the Best, who Photography celebrities as a Carter deserze to be called that. I had a few successful photoshots achieved by then. Then, my friend Said to me: If you will not call yourself a photographer, then when? This motivated me, giving myself that `title` of a photographer. I started putting evev more work and energy into Photography.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

I use Nikon D750 and Nikon Z6. The lenses I use are Sigma 85 1.4, Sigma Art. 27-70, Sigma 70-200.

What has been your most memorable session and why?

All of them are unforgettable. When I look back AT my first photo and ones from a year ago, they are All sentimental to me. In them I can see me back then and my abilities even my moods. I can see those amazing pe ople that gave me their trust and let me In a part of them. I Gould like those photo to be with themfor years. It`s the big gest compliment for me as a photographer.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Never give Up. Take a lot of photo. Experiment, make mistakes and analyse them. Don`t be afraid to show your photo even the different ones. And patiently listen to otther pe ople`s opinions, and more advanced photographers.

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