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Interview: Model Maria Maeva (Ukraine)

Can you tell us a little about you?

I'm woman, I'm beautiful, I'm goddess of inspiration, supermodel and yoga-girl.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Hm, I am so much in love with myself that I would like to stay as I am. But I would like to be more organized, not to postpone everything for later, to be even more confident in myself and know what I want.

How did you start modelling?

When I was 14, my cousin told me that she was learning to walk beautifully at a modelling school, I became interested and also went there, that's how it all started.

What do you think of the work as a model?

I think this is not only a profession, but also a vocation, a way of life. And it seems to me that I'm ready to do this forever. I hope I will always be in demand as a model.

What is your beauty regimen?

Love and accept yourself in any state, but never give up, don't be lazy, don't miss workouts, massages, facial and body treatments, take care of yourself, don't go to sleep with makeup, sleep 7-8 hours.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

Here I would like to use the review of my photographer: "I truly love Masha, she is simply awesome. Not only because she is outrangeously beautiful and owns a body to die for, not only because she she is of energy and ideas, not only because she has an enormous power of expression, BUT foremost because of her personality, her charme, her steadfastness, her prairie attitude towards life itself."

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to continue doing yoga, modeling, travel more, take up new hobbies and learn something new.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

5 years ago, a photographer invited me to shoot in Bali, I was very inspired, but the day before my flight to Indonesia, he got into a car accident and canceled the shooting. I felt very sorry for him but then I just flew there as a tourist. It was the most beautiful and shortest long journey alone in my life. Just for 3 days. After returning from Bali, I received an invitation to an event that was supposed to bring me fame and many model

jobs, but after the event, an attempted murder was committed on me, the photographer was not arrested, and the police advised me not to appear in this country for security reasons . I no longer felt safe in Europe and decided to fly to India to learn yoga and meditation to keep calm.

After returning from India, I decided to buy an apartment in Kyiv and make an eco-design in Bali style. I also began to get involved in fly yoga and equipped the apartment so that it was possible to fly in it. In India, I received my education and diploma as a yoga teacher and became more in demand for yoga-style shoots. But on one shoot, I got a serious neck injury and the doctors did not recommend me to do difficult yoga poses after that. Therefore, I had to postpone fly yoga classes for the time being, and now it is impossible to live in my apartment in Kyiv because of the war, and electricity and water are constantly turned off there.but life goes on, everything that doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I am happy with the life experience that I got.

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