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Interview: Model Nikola Chmiel (Poland)

Can you tell us a little about you?

Sure, so hi to everyone who is reading it. My name is Nikola. I am a young girl that really loves being in front of camera. Generally I love fashion that is why I finished school that gave me a diploma in fashion industry. I grew up as a dancer and I did it for 13 years of my life. Now I balance my modeling life with being a yoga teacher. I never though that at this age I will achieve so many of my future goals but I am proud of myself and the fact that I love what I do. Also I love food, I love cooking and even more I love making the food not only very delicious but also pretty. When I travel I make youtube videos. I do think it is one of the best way to keep the memories with me. Additionally, I can say that I Thailand stole my heart and I started to learn the language, it is great.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

It is not an easy one. I like to think that the answers is and should be nothing because I am who I am and that makes me special, but at the same time we all have insecurities and we do not think of our selfs in the best way. With all the love and respect for myself I would have to say that I want to change the fact that I never put me first. I want to make everyone happy, just wanna be sure that I am always a good human being and I do not hurt or disappoint. And that is why I sad what not could. I am working on that and I do believe that soon I will put me and my needs first.

How did you start modelling?

It was a long time ago. Never believed in a fact that I could ever be good and beautiful enough to even be one, but something changed when my aunt started to convince me (age 14/15) and my mom to try. I took some polaroids or more like my brother did. I putted them online and agencies started to invites me for meetings. That is how I found my first agency. For two years I was stuck there doing nothing so the start was not the best. I changed and again failed with choosing my mother agency. After that I found my lucky number 3 and started to travel and work.

What do you think of the work as a model?

It is hard, it is extreamly hard. I love it, but I am sad that very few people understand how difficult that job is. Modeling is my dream job. I put my hole heart to everything I do on set and outside of it. I truly believe that will be worth it one day. I now I can make my dreams come true and being a successful model with a powerful voice in this crazy but at the same time amazing industry.

What is your beauty regimen?

Probably boring and simple but giving myself time everyday. You know all the wellness things. Yoga, meditation, good and nutritious food, walks with my dog, dry brushing and massages or foam rolling, SPF, journaling and well sleeping but lately I did not made it a priority, unfortunately. So what I am trying to say is that focus on your head, if you are happy with who you are as a person that is the real beauty. All you need to shine, because you shine form the inside out.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

Not only that I am very ambitious but well disciplined and I can easily admit that I am respectful.

What are your plans for the future?

I have many of them and all are quite big ones. I wanna do modeling for as long as possible. On the way I want to live in a warm country where I can have house as close to the beach as possible. Close to that I will have my yoga studio and a vegan cafe. I do know that I want to make a brand with things I will make, I adore handicraft. Also on top of that plans that are more of my career goals I just wanna be happy and healthy. My plan is to be surrounded by people I love and care about, watch beautiful sunsets and drink good coffee.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

Without a doubt my summer contract in Thailand. I never was happier in my life. I just felt like I fit in. I felt like I lived my life. I had the balance and I just knew I am in the right place. I worked well, met great people, ate amazing food and visit one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever been to and the fact I work so hard to be able to go there made it even more special.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?

Do not be scared to ask questions, do not be scared to ask the hard ones. It is okay to not always have the glowing skin, perfect measurements or a big smile on your face. Remember, fight for your rights do not anyone make you feel small. The industry is huge, there is a place for you to fit in. Never doubt yourself.

What do you think of the magazine?

I like it. It is accessible and I gives so many people a chance to have a moment to share their few words or their amazing work. I am extremely happy that there is a magazine like that and I am grateful for the opportunity to be in it.

Instagram: nikola.chmiel

Style - Wacoal Mood Underwear Thailand

Photo - Łukasz Bartyzel

Mua - Weronika Bancewicz

Style - Ilona Jaworska (love be boutique) & Silustre Lingerie

Publication - Vers24

Location - Level 27 Club

Photo - Łukasz Bartyzel

Mua - Weronika Bancewicz

Style - Ilona Jaworska (love be boutique) & Silustre Lingerie

Publication - Vers24

Location - Level 27 Club

Photo - Łukasz Bartyzel

Mua - Weronika Bancewicz

Style - Ilona Jaworska (love be boutique) & Silustre Lingerie

Publication - Vers24

Location - Level 27 Club

Photo - Prasit Jamkajornkiat

Photo - Prasit Jamkajornkiat

Photo - Dariusz Sankowski

Photo - Nina Eilisa

Photo - Koty 2

Photo - Ewa Mickiewicz

Photo - Koty 2

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