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Interview: Model Rotem Chomsky (Israel) Azië

Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Rotem, i'm 32 yeras old, but everyone mistake me to be a lot younger.

I was Born and raised in Israel and nowdays live in the greatest city there is –Tel aviv.

Before the corona virus i was lucky enough to have traveled 30 countries in 6 continents.

I have a B.A in Laws & Media from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and i'm a certified lawyer. Although i have passed with success my bar exams, i have chosen not to practice it and changed my career to informal education. Today i work as a coordinator in a technological youth movement of a nonprofit organiztion named Appleseeds, which promotes digital equality to all underseved communities in Israel. Which means I am the manager of a youth center that teaches 200 children between the age of 10 till 18, computer and leadership skills. At my spare time i love to dance (zumba, salsa, bachata, hip hop), write, read novels, spend time with my family and friends, going to longs walks at Tel-Aviv beach front and of course model occasionally.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I have come to an age which i believe i feel pretty sure with who i am and having a healthy relationship with myself. Today i have more confidence and self esteem than i used to have in my twenties. I love who i am and my life (and waiting for the corona vaccine to be released so i would be able to travel again). I love the fact that i live the moment and trying my best to do each day something that makes me happy. Sometomes i feel maybe i have too much FOMO , meaning the urge to do everything i desire right now. But i rather feel a bit stressesd than to wait for a time that never comes, because it is pushing me to have a fuller and more fullfilling life and taking chances.

How did you start modelling?

Well i started modelling a decade ago when a friend's relative asked to take a few photos of me because of my long ginger hair. After that some photographers found me on facebook and ask me to model for them, which led to some productions and lovely collaborations.

What do you think of the work as a model?

As a young girl i never believed i would get the chance to model.

For years i have felt like the ugly duckling. I was shy and a bit overweighed child who never stood out for her good looks, but rather for her diligence and being a good student. When i grew older and started university it has all changed for me, in a way it was like a dream come true. Maybe modelling has a superficial image, but its fun and sometimes its just art.

I dont see myself as a professional model, but i do i whenever i can and i enjoy it a lot.

I definetely feel very lucky to be able to have that experience in my life and meet all those talented photographers, makeup and concept artists.

What is your beauty regimen?

Skincare is important to me – i use sensitive facial soap and moister (with spf for daytime) twice a day. I try to do Sports 3-4 times a week – aerobic and power, mostly for my mentally well being and my health. Healthy nutrition is something i still need to work on – i have a soft spot for sweets.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I think that being a redhead is a huge advantage in this field and pretty rare in general.

Maybe it's one of the reasons some of my pics were chosen to PhotoVogue Italy.

Also i believe i am a nice person who is comfortable to work with.

Plus I always try to create the best atmosphere for everyone and aiming to capture and achieve the photographers' vision.

What are your plans for the future?

Well my main goal in life is to enjoy them while i can. Life is too short and unexpected to have too many future plans. I wish to keep traveling the world, seeing new places, getting to know other cultures and meeting interesting people. Hopefully next destination is Columbia and central America, when it will be possible again. Also, I would be happy to model abroad if i would get the chance and live outside Israel for a few months - maybe in Italy or Spain. Hopefully one day i would also publish a novel, its a childhood dream of mine.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

Each experience is unique and different. I love the outdoor photoshoots more than the studio ones. I think the most special one was my first photoshoot with a professional photographer - a very talented young woman. It was the first time someone did my hair and makeup and styling, i was very timid and anxious, i felt a bit stupid to pose to the camera and i was afraid it will be a complete disaster. But surprisingly enough the pictures afterwards were breath taking - i couldnt believe it was me. It gave me the confidence and the will to do that again. Afterwards there were a few bride productions, local fashion photoshoots and a special project at the dead sea.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, never stop dreaming.

I would advise her or him to sign into collaboration photography groups on social media and suggest yourself – you can never know what would happen.

What do you think of the magazine?

I think it’s a beautiful idea with the potential of creating a new international fashion community, from a more approachable point of view. Getting to know the real people behind the art with their real voices and human flaws. I'm glad to be part of that and hoping it would lead to unexpected exciting new chances and collaborations. Keep up the good work J

Facebook, website, instagram: Gingerote

Photographer & makeup: Mia Apis Dvoyrin

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