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Interview: Model Valeria Manni (Italy)

Can you tell us a little about you?

Well, there is a lot to know about me actually... I’m a very eclectic person, i like to do different things to express every shades of my personality. One of the most important is modeling. It allows me to express creativity, sensuality, feelings and emotions. When I’m on set i feel so much energy, i feel the life and my emotions go through my body and my’s amazing.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

There are a lot og things about me that must be changed actually, I don’t want to change anything about me but one of the things I fight more is that I excessivly criticize my self and my work.

How did you start modelling?

I was returning from a disease that didn’t allow me to appreciate my face for years. I wanted to grow up, to rediscover my beauty so i tried to contact some photographers and I did a casting. Every one of them told me that i was to ugly, fat and small to be a model. I told them: “it’s not the truth, you will change idea”. They looked at me wordless and now when I think to them I think “sorry people, but I won”.

What do you think of the work as a model?

It is a very hard work. It’s not about being beautiful, it’s about being professional, study again and again to improve skills about posing, communicate with the team, knowing themselves, own body and own mind. But first of all, the most difficult thing is to understand how this job and this world work.

What is your beauty regimen?

I take care of my skin by hydrate ting and nourishing it, I always put off my makeup and I avoid things like hair straightness, hair dye or similar. I try to be most natural as I can with my hair. About my body, i workout every time i can because it makes me feel good and happy, I eat clean and drink a lot of water. Last but not least, I take care of my mind.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I have values, some of them came from studies. I always want to do better, I work very hard for achieving my goals and I don’t compare my self to others. But first of all, my personality. I put all that things in modeling

What are your plans for the future?

I prefear to don’t talk about my plans for the future, I just say that I’m working very hard fo some project.

What are some of your favourite experiences so far?

Well, my first ADV, my first work for some Italian stylist and, the most recent experience, the Coco Rocha Model Camp. She really understood the way I pose, the way i’m on set and it helped me to understand a lot of thing about model agencies, fashion industry and relationship in this world.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?

Don’t do it alone. If you want try, talk about it with your friends and family because is important to have support in this world. Than, choose a professional photographer to shoot with and study a lot.

What do you think of the magazine?

The first time i was published on this magazine it was with the shot of a photographers I worked with. That day I thought “one day I will have an interview and a publication on Modellenland with my photos”...well, I can say that I achieve another goal.

Facebook, website, instagram: _valeriamanni

Photographer: Giuliano Froio; mua : Francesca Piersanti

Photographer: Giuliano Froio; mua : Francesca Piersanti

Photographer: Giacinto Malospiriti; Mua: Carola Quatela

Photographer: Luca Onnis

Photographer: Giacinto Malospiriti; Mua: Carola Quatela

Photographer: Giuliano Froio; Mua:Azzurra Cogotti

Photographer: Giuliano Froio; Mua:Azzurra Cogotti

Photographer: Giuliano Froio; mua : Francesca Piersanti

Photographer: Alessio Giuliano; mua: Giovanna Zuzolo

Photographer: Matteo Sciarra

Photographer: Matteo Sciarra

Photographer: Giacinto Malospiriti; Mua: Carola Quatela

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