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Interview: Photographer Aron Basinski (Poland)

Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Aron and I live in Wrocław. It is one of the biggest cities in Poland with a beautiful river, interesting architecture and worth seeing monuments. But I haven’t always lived here. I used two live in Germany for eight years. That’s where I accidentally find my biggest hobby – photography.

How and when did you get into photography?

My first thought of becoming a photographer appeared in a very strange situation, when a famous Polish war correspondent Waldemar Milewicz was killed in Iraq. Instead of being afraid and anxious, I told myself that the work of a photographer must be very interesting. But I gave up that idea. I came back to it years later- in September 2019. There is a very

interesting story connected with the start of my job. When I moved to Berlin, I was feeling very bored. I came up with an idea of photographing homeless people. I found out that taking photos was the thing that gave me happiness. Furthermore, I really liked my photos and other people did, too. Then, I bought my first professional camera and I started making photoshoots.

What does photography mean to you?

Photography is primarily fun for me. It makes me happy and relaxes me at the same time. It is an escape from problems and every day life. Catching a second that will never happen again is just incredible. Photoshoots are also an opportunity for meeting new, interesting people.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I photograph mainly portrets, but I’m not limiting myself only for this. I love showing the indyvidual history of every person and I try to demonstrate the most beautiful side of them. In photography, I can notice something that no one else will see. I like natural photos, without over editing. As they say, if you don’t feel anything in what you are looking at, you will never manage to make other people feel something when they are looking at your photos. I think that model shouldn’t look like a whole different person on a photo of her. When my model feels satisfied, I feel the same way.

Studio, on location or both?

I can’t choose only one. My only condition is a sufficient amount of light. The play of light is the most important thing in photography for me.

Where do you get inspiration from?

Ideas for photos are born in my own head. Really small things can inspire me. One time, I was walking with a model in a tunnel under the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw and I saw a flare of light. I asked her to stand in that place and I accidentally shot her best photo. It always happens like this. Impulse, idea and shot.

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?

The only thing I plan is a model’s outfit. I never search for inspirations earlier because the best ideas come in one moment.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I would call myself a hobbyist with a dream of becoming a professionalist. I can’t declare myself as a professional photographer because I don’t have enough job for me to be satisfied.

What has been your most memorable session and why?

I took part in a lot of great photoshoots with very beautiful models. Besides taking photos, I also spend much time on editing them, so I think about photoshoots over and over. Every photoshoot stays in my mind. But the one I admire the most took place on the yacht in the Gulf of Szczecin. The lights were spectacular, so the photos came out really extraordinary. Everything was perfect – models, scenery and climate. It was awesome.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

Nikon or Canon? From the two of them I definitely choose Sony. Its focus is outstanding and it just crashes competitors. I used to be Canon’s maniac but when I first had Sony in my hand and started my adventure with it, I just feel in love. Sigma 105 mm 1.4 art is my favourite lens which I use daily but every single lens from Sigma from series Art are worth recommendation.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

The most important advice is not to give up and practice a lot. Beginners should use every opportunity for taking photos, try new things, places and experiment with light. The other, very important thing is not to regret money for self development and new equipment. Young photographers should wisely choose the hardware and tuitons they participate. They will also need a lot of time because nothing comes immediately.

What do you think of our new magazine?

I think your magazine is a huge opportunity for photographers. It is a great honour to be here and I’m sure I will keep track of next editions.

Instagram: Aron_fotografie_

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