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Interview: Photographer Barbara "Flyte" Pietrzycka (UK / Poland)

Can you tell us a little about you?

I'm from Poland, but live in UK. Since I remember photography was my biggest passion. I don't work as a photographer much, but if I would find a job in a fashion magazine, or got offered a job as a photographer for a fashion or beauty company, I wouldn't think twice. Currently I work in finance and I must admit, this is so boring! That's why in my free time I'm getting creative.

How and when did you get into photography?

I loved photography since I was very young. My mum had a small, automatic analogue camera from Kodak and I used to photograph everything with it. She was always complaining, that I'm using too much film, these were not cheap in the early 90'. Availability of the 35mm film wasn't great either, bear in mind that 1989 is the ear of the fall of the communism in Poland.

I don't remember exactly, but I think I was 12 when I finally got my own analogue camera. But even then I was allowed only to use maximum of 2 rolls of 36 photos film during the summer holiday (summer holiday for school kids in Poland is 24.06-1.09). That was an exception, usually I was allowed just a couple photos per month. I couldn't afford neither for one of the first digital cameras, nor first phones with the built-in camera in the following years. Finally I 2008 I bought my first SLR (Nikon D90) and thanks to my friends (the photographers) I seriously started my journey to become a professional photographer. Spoiler alert - I don't feel pro at all and I don't think I am! (even though I studied photography at the college)

What does photography mean to you?

This is a way of expressing myself. Creating is a feeling I can't describe with the words. It's like being in a different world. Once my friend said, that I look like "I'm glowing with some inner light" during the photoshoot. I think this is a perfect description of how I feel.

I'm not great in painting and drawing so photography let me unwind after a stressful day.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I love experimenting with water. I also work with smoke and fire, but water was the easiest for me to master. I often use unusual makeup or accessories. I like clean, sharp images, full of details, but also not too overcomplicated. Each of them I carefully edit. I don't use presets and barely do color grading. I like to create a different reality and photograph it, rather than over-edit the photos. Sometimes me & the team spend hours to create one or two good photographs.

Where do you get inspiration from?

It can be anything. A book, a song or a dream I had at night. I can admit I'm more inspired by the music videos or movies than by the other photographers.

Usually I have a brief idea, then find a team. We actually refine the concept and add more other ideas into it during the photoshoot. Nothing is strictly defined from the beginning. Sometimes the results are completely different from what we planned, and this is the most beautiful part of creating!

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?

It depends. If this is a complicated project, I have to prepare. I need to find the outfits, accessories, MUA who would like the idea and then matching model at the end. I often make the accessories myself.

But sometimes there is no plan. I such cases I usually end up with a nice, simple portrait, or something completely wild.

Studio, on location or both?

I shoot beauty editorials in the studio, this is an obvious choice. But I prefer outdoor/location photography. Natural light is my favourite, I prefer it over studio light.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

Photography is my passion, however I take paid jobs whenever possible (wedding, maternity, etc). The most creative photographs I made for fun. My paid jobs are not much creative, clients requests, I deliver.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

Currently I shoot with Nikon D750 and Sony Alpha 7 IV. Favourite lenses: Sigma art 105mm 1.4 and Helios 44-2 58mm.

What has been your most memorable session and why?

I think it was a fashion shoot in my friend's Tomasz Bojakowski (Google him) studio. It was the first time ever I tried fashion. It was also my first time I the professional studio. At that moment I realized what I want to photograph. People.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Shoot what you love. If you like working with people, don't start a product photography business. If you could photograph dogs and cats all day long, but you're not great with the kids, don't do newborn photography.

And never TFP weddings/commercial. This is not TFP, this is exploitation.

What do you think of our new magazine?

I saw Modellenland a couple years ago and since then I was thinking about submitting an editorial. I'm glad I could finally be featured there!

Model: Tia

MUA: Mariola Mamak-Rowińska

Model: Angelika Sitkiewicz

MUA: Mariola Mamak-Rowińska

Model/MUA: Alicja

Model/MUA: Alicja

Model: Mawina

MUA: Mariola Mamak-Rowińska

Model: Karina

MUA: Mariola Mamak-Rowińska

Model: Ania

Hair Piotr

MUA Kasia

Dress Ela Olszewska

Model: Freya

MUA Aga Collins

Model: Ania

MUA Katarzyna Zdunek

Hair Julia Olędzka


Model: Yuliia

MUA Katarzyna Zdunek

Hair Julia Olędzka

Model/style: Ania

MUA Katarzyna Zdunek

Hair Julia Olędzka

Model/MUA: Lila D Kot

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