Interview: Photographer Beata Banach (Poland)
Can you tell us a little about you?
I work as a teacher in primary school, I've been teaching for 25 years and I love my job. Photography is my passion, I first got interested in it when I was in primary school myself. I've always wanted to paint and photography was a substitute for painting and a creative way to spend free time. Through photography i fulfill my need of showing beauty, emotion, and show different perspectives on womens' nature.
How and when did you get into photography? My adventure with photography started when I learned editing black and white photos in primary school. Later in life I took pictures while traveling with my family to capture wonderful places all over the world. The next step was taking photos of my children to remember those moments at different stages of their lives. I've tried all kinds of photography, macro, landscapes, photographing events, until I started to excell at portraits, which I grew to love the most.
What does photography mean to you?
Through photography I express myself artistically. It's my way to express emotions and show my perspective on world and people. It is also a great occasion to spend time with the people I love.
Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.
I think the style of my photos can be described as picturesque. I love it when my photos look as if they were hand painted by an artist. The lighting and mood are the main subject of my work.
Where do you get inspiration from? I draw inspiration from pictures of great artists. The work of genious photographers from around the world is also a great source of inspiration as well as nature.
Studio, on location or both?
I like shooting outdoors, as well as inside a studio. When it's warm outside I usually prefer shooting outdoors, unless the weather doesn't allow it. Winter months I spend in the studio, because I don't like being in the cold.
Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?
When I do a photo shoot I usually have everything planned out, although sometimes I only prepare the outfit and the inspiration comes while we're shooting. It depends on wheather I've known the model for a while and we've worked before or if we've just met for the first time. A lot of my work was created completely spontanously, they were the result of a great meeting in beautiful surroundings and those are often the pieces of work I enjoy the most, because they combine my passion with spending time in company of people I love.
Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?
I am a professional amateur , I know my knowledge is on an advanced level but I prefer not working as a photographer, because I'd like it to remain something I do to get away from everyday life.
What has been your most memorable session and why?
It's difficult to name one special photo shoot with a specific model. I'm really lucky, because most of those meetings were special to me in some way and most models I met were very kind and beautiful. Maybe due to the fact that photography remained a hobby that I enjoy, I still feel the need to create. I invite one of my favourite models and we always have a wonderful time. I also volunteer at an animal shelter, where I photograph animals given up for adoption. I will always remember the photo shoot thanks to which an owner found his dog after he went missing for 3 years.
Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?
I've been using Canon for years. My favourite lenses are 85 1.2 f and 135 2.0 f.
What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?
I definately cannot give advice in this topic, as I'm really bad at business and marketing. Honestly, I believe I could use some advice on those subjects. I treat photography as a hobby and (like a true artists) I don't think about money.
What do you think of our new magazine?
Your magazine to me is a constant source of inspiration. Well done!
model: Klara Kerszka
model: Kasia Serafin
mua: Milena Banach
model: Karolina Ćwiertnia
hut: Justyna Bator
model/mua: Milena Banach
model: Karolina Grzesikowska
stylization: Agnieszka Osipa
model: Daria Bronsart
model: Karolina Grzesikowska
model/mua: Karolina Grzesikowska
collar: Pracownia kryz Adam
corset: Ewa Jobko
model: Oliwia Gudyno
mua: Milena Banach
model: Agata Banach
dress: Ewa Jobko
model: Agata Banach
hair: Wojtek Stasiak