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  • Foto van schrijverModellenland

Interview: Photographer Christophe Serrano (France)

Tell me about yourself I am French.

I am a Fashion and Wedding Photographer. And I own a training organization for Photographer. I am specialized on the international destination wedding.

How and when did you start photography?

At the age of 18. I loved drawing, art and technology. Photography mixed both.

What is your goal in photography?

To sublimate and make reality more beautiful by using ligh.t

What does photography represent for you?

A passion, a profession, a life of encounters and emotions.

How does your work differ from others?

Simply because I never get bored, I don't get any ego from this job, I love doing photography. I can work for hours and be happy. In short I do a job that my emotions have chosen.

Where do you get your inspiration?

Nowhere and everywhere. Only life inspires me. The more brilliant people you meet, the more you find yourself in moments of shared creative emotions that bring out the best in you.

Do you prepare your images in advance?

Yes, when it's for a commercial purpose or for a target client. In this case we create a moodboard.

Do you work on your photos and describe your post production work?

A few presets reproducing the film rendering, a little adjustment on the exposure and the white balance. All the rest is 99% at the shooting. Except for a few rare cases with photo montages.

What is your preference for rental or studio?

Neither one nor the other. I have my own Daylight studio but I work outside. What are the places and subjects that appeal to you the most?

It depends on the photographic intention. It's more the light than the place that attracts me. What would you absolutely like to photograph?

What I already photograph... with maybe some more people. What is the most important thing you have learned over the years?

That making a difference is not only about talent but also about the energy you put into developing yourself by working on your communication, investing in projects. What are your future or short term projects?

To live in the USA for part of the year and mix my business between Europe and the USA. The American market is very different and today I have almost no French customers anyway. What do you look for in the models you work with?

Personality! That they give off energy, that little something that makes the difference. Do you have any other message for the models?

Thank you for all these years shared. It's a team effort and one without the other could not work.

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