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Interview: Photographer Francesco Micheli (Italy)

Can you tell us a little about you?

I was born in Rome on 11 October 1978 and I have lived in a peripheral area near the sea since I was an adult. As a boy I was quite rebellious, but with the passage of time I have changed becoming much more thoughtful and sensitive to my surroundings and to what happens in the world.

I spend my life in a fairly ordinary way, but with the curiosity of observing people, of trying to understand the world and the evolving society. Sometimes it scares me and fascinates me at the same time. Sometimes I feel alien and sometimes comfortable with this constant change

How and when did you get into photography?

I never thought about photography until I was 35. As an astronomy enthusiast I started experimenting with astronomical and landscape photography. I started taking portrait photographs out of the desire to discover people to see their looks, their expressions and hear the voice of their soul.

I started photographing my friends, who I must say were very good at helping me grow and very good at expressing sensations through their face, through their eyes. From there my passion for portrait photography began.

What does photography mean to you?

In my opinion photography is the means of communication par excellence, it gives me the opportunity to discover, express and communicate a concept that I have in mind.

Through photography I feel I can also talk about myself, to tell my story. Photography manages to remove that veil of shyness and excite me during the shoot.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I don't think I have a distinct photographic style. My photographs try and try to see the soul of the subject through their eyes. I love tight cuts just to try to get direct, to perceive every slightest expression on the face, to fall into the eyes as in an infinite tunnel and let yourself go to it.

Where do you get inspiration from?

My inspirations come from the experiences of my life mainly, from what I saw growing up, from what I loved and hated. I read a lot of fashion magazines as I love the photographs of great photographers. The face of the photographer also inspires me a lot, each face with its expression and its characteristics give me qull'input to make the shot.

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?

I always try to have in mind a mood to create, but it often happens that at the moment of shooting I can also go off topic because at that moment something different inspired me, an expression or a movement of the model for example

Studio, on location or both?


Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I was born as a hobbyist photographer, but I aspire to become a professional

What has been your most memorable session and why?

Each session is important and fundamental for me, but I could say that the session that has remained in my mind the most, which I feel has evolved, was with the model Claudia Borioni in the photographic studio in Formello “Rimesse Fotografiche”

We worked great with the lights, the makeup, the clothes and the atmosphere was really positive.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

I use Canon, I feel great with this brand of camera. My favorite lenses are the Canon 85mm and Canon 50mm. The 85mm lens I use mainly for shots with a 50mm cut to have more field, for example whole figures set.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

I can say that I also recommend it to myself, it is to continuously search without stopping, not to set limits and to continue shooting a lot and to follow the great current and past photographers. Photography is studied, experimented and learned even by making mistakes.

What do you think of our new magazine?

I like it very much, it is a very complete and well organized magazine. Inside you can find many inspirations, beautiful photographs, models and photographers to follow. There are very interesting articles that help to learn about the world of photography. I read it very willingly.

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Model Eleonora Spina - Mua Veronica Micheli - photo by Francesco Micheli

Model Desirèe Cacini - Photo by Francesco Micheli

Model Claudia Borioni - Mua Veronica Micheli - Photo by Francesco Micheli

Model Chiara Muresan - photo by Francesco Micheli

Model and Mua Francesca Benelli - photo by Francesco Micheli

Model Claudia Borioni - Mua Veronica Micheli - Photo by Francesco Micheli

Model Chiara BIanchino - Mua Giulia Forleo - photo by Francesco Micheli

Model Karmela Zigova - Mua Veronica Micheli - photo by Francesco Micheli

Model Sarah W. Vinci - Mua Ludovica Sechi - photo by Francesco Micheli

Model Sabrina Di Cosimo - Mua Giulia Falaguasta - photo by Francesco Micheli

Model Giulia Zadra - photo by Francesco Micheli

Model Carola Ci - Photo by Francesco Micheli

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