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  • Foto van schrijverModellenland

Interview: Photographer Magdalena Bednarek (Poland)

Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Magdalena, and I am photographer based in Szczecin, Poland. I specialize in female photography but I also cooperate with people from polish world of culture and entertainment ( comedians, actors, singers, writers, athletes etc.). I am an author and co-author of photo exhibitions, magazine covers, posters. Also photography teacher who loves traveling and addicted movie watcher.

How and when did you get intophotography?

Since I remember I was always fascinated by beautiful photos, but I never grabbed the camera myself. I always stood aside and helped create them. I was inventing nice and interesting places or unique frames. I started taking photos by myself very late, few years after my studies. When I started, I just couldn’t stop. I discovered that creation process is more enjoying than watching creation. Finally I could catch things I really love like sunrises and sunsets. During these years my photography has evolved and it still changing.

What does photography mean to you?

I will not be unique, because I must say that photography mean a lot for me. It takes huge part of my everyday life. Thanks photography I can learn more about myself, about other people and whole world which around us. This is the perfect way to become more humble and tolerant. The most beautiful thing in photography is that we all look at the same sun, but everyone see it in a different way. Photography broadens the horizons.

Where do you get inspiration from?

I know that it can sounds banal, but everything what surrounds me is an inspiration for me. Sometimes is an movie, sometimes is a person – his/her face , character, way of dressing etc. It can be place like an restaurant, street with special character or even a unique tree or building. Something new, something old, structure, melody, color. Really everything.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I love black and white photography. I like to catch how lights play with shadows, show strong or delicate contrasts – depends on situation. This is not the only kind of photography which I take, but still, my favourite. Most often natural light photography, preferably without additional light sources. But what is the most important – photos full of emotions. I like to bring out individual character of the person and show in on the photo. I also like to show a different, less know side of concrete person. Very often I try to break the rules or do something crazy, get out of the comfort zone.

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?

It depends of what I want to do. If this is for example fashion lookbook then I prefer to prepare everything before. Models, make-up, place – everything what bring concrete effect.

BUT…maybe this will not sound professional, I am this kind of person who like to work spontaneously. Mostly I have only sketch in my head like place and clothes or only place, and later I match and draw the remaining elements of the puzzles. So very often I improvise to received this special effect, so-called HERE AND NOW. Everyone who work with me should be prepared for everything.

Studio, on location or both?

I work a lot in a studio, which gives a more of “controlled opportunities”, and help models and clients to feel very comfortable but I feel that still photos are not in 100% real. Of course this in only my opinion but I think that other locations and outdoor awakens such emotions that work in the studio will not wake up. Real joy, fear or delight.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

For the beginning it was only my hobby full of happiness and joy. I treated photography like a springboard from everyday life. One day in my life changed everything and photography became my profession. Firstly I was scared that it can ruined my passion for photography, but now I can say that this passion is even stronger.

What has been your most memorable session and why?

Once again I won’t be original because I must say that all my sessions are memorable. Why? Because I met new people, I discover new things and I learn something about myself and about my work. Ever session bring emotions what is amazing. Ok, maybe I never done session during parachute jump or rollercoaster ride but everything is still ahead of me 😉

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

I am working on Canon but I am not a member of any team – and I am not afraid to say that 😊 There are many very good camaras of different brands. In my opinion, good photo you can take by cell phone – only technical aspects can limit you (but how long? 😉 ). For now my fav lens are Canon 50 mm 1.4 and Sigma art 85 mm 1.4

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

The most important thing is believe in yourself and don’t look on the others. Be focused on your plans and slowly day by day try to reach them. Never stop learn new things and improve your skills to make them unique. Keep your eyes and mind open and never close on anything.

What do you think of our new magazine?

For sure this is a great place where people from all over the world can share and show their work, life, passions and unique skills. A place where you can find a lot of inspiration and in which we can feel that every one of as is a part of huge artistic family. For me is a honor to be a part of it and I would like to thank every reader of Modellenland Magazine for taking time to read the interview and get close to my work.

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