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Interview: Photographer Marina Skorokhodova (Russia)

Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Marina Skorokhodova, I am a photographer and art director. I have my own photo and video production Fate Group Pro with my partners. We are engaged in full-cycle shootings for brands and personal brands.


How and when did you get into photography?I started photography about 6 years ago. Before that, I wrote short stories, I also have my own book - a collection of short stories, and I needed illustrations. At first, I ordered photo shoots and shot myself as a model, but the problem was that none of the performers saw the frame the way I wanted them to. So I started shooting myself. The first customers appeared immediately. At first I didn't take it seriously, but after a while it became my main profession.


What does photography mean to you?

Photography for me is a living moment. The ability to stop time. Shooting for brands is always a statement, and I get tremendous pleasure from embodying the idea that is in my head to full realization


Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

At the moment, I work in the fashion industry, shooting campaigns and advertising shoots. As well as beauty campaigns.


Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?

Yes, it is defined. There is such an expression in cinema: The movie is ready, it remains only to shoot it. So with shoots, there is always a clear plan, improvisation is only 10%


Where do you get inspiration from?Even when I wasn't doing photography, I was thinking in images. For example, when listening to a musical track, I immediately imagine it in pictures, as if I were shooting a music video. Therefore, I find inspiration everywhere, in literature, music, and painting


Studio, on location or both?

Both, it depends on the task.


Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I consider myself a paid professional. All my career plans, both future and already realized, are related to photography


What has been your most memorable session and why?

It is difficult to single out one thing. It is probably possible to single out the most large-scale shooting. Big campaigns for banners, shooting for the covers of Glamour and L'officiel, working at Paris Fashion Week


Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

I work with Sony. I love them for their color reproduction, compactness and convenience

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Shoot more, but not mindlessly, analyze your work and track your growth. Go to your goals without looking back at doubts


What do you think of our new magazine?

It's always inspiring to watch the emergence of spaces that support creators and creative people. I really like this!


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