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Interview: Photographer Natalya Dmytrieva (Ukraine)

Can you tell us a little about you?

I am a professional photographer and retoucher from Ukraine. I have 14 years experience. I am engaged in commercial photography: beauty, fashion, product photography, as well as postproduction

How and when did you get into photography? I started taking pictures as a child with my dad's old film camera. My first models were the neighbor's cats. It was a fun game that eventually grew into a real hobby. 16 years ago, with the advent of the digital camera, this hobby gradually began to turn into a job.

What does photography mean to you?

Photography is my life today.It is not only my source of income, but also what I really love to do. And really my passion. It means not only my own shootings, but also processing for other photographers.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I can't say that I have any particular style. I like to try something new and unexpected for myself. I like to take on new challenges and constantly improve myself.

Where do you get inspiration from? Sometimes I see some thing or material and immediately start thinking how I can use it in my shooting, sometimes it's just a mood after a nature walking or watching a movie, and sometimes it's just some crazy idea that is born during shooting or project work

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?

Usually it is a pre-planned image before shooting, but sometimes it happens that something does not go according to plan. Often you have to improvise and sometimes the result is very far from the original idea. But it's not bad - it's a creative process

Studio, on location or both?

I had my own studio where I could always implement 95% of all my ideas. Unfortunately, because of the war in my country now,I temporarily live in Germany and have not found an alternative yet.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I started working as an amateur and didn't think that this would ever be my main source of income. I think that now I'm just a happy person, because my favorite interest is also my good profession

What has been your most memorable session and why?

Perhaps the most unusual was the shooting in the studio on the eve of Christmas. It all started in a trite way: with a model dressed as Santa in front of a decorated Christmas tree. At some moment, the model took a cloth that is always in the studio and waved it in front of the lens. In the frame, the effect was so unexpected that we immediately forgot about the Christmas photo shoot. We immediately made an impromptu dress and filmed every movement of the model, trying to catch the effect of the flight of the cloth. These photos instantly hit the top! Subsequently, photo shoots in this style - with flying cloth- became very popular, starting a whole series in a similar entourage. At that moment, I realized that you do not need to get hung up on one idea. You need to notice every moment, because it is he who can be a great success.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

Vanon. But I think it doesn't matter what camera you shoot with. Canon 100 macro - just because I love perfect sharpness and clarity in the picture

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Perhaps my advice will seem commonplace , but I would advise you to shoot more and more often. and try yourself in different styles and directions. You may be surprised by the results of yourself.

What do you think of our new magazine?

I want to thank your magazine for helping photographers to develop.For many creative people it is often very important that their work is noticed and appreciated.

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