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  • Foto van schrijverModellenland

Interview: Photographer Pedro Rodríguez González (Spain)

Can you tell us a little about you?

I am Spanish, born in Madrid. I started my professional career when I decided to take the step towards digital photography at the beginning of this century. Since then I have specialized in artistic glamour and nude photography, publishing in some of the best magazines in the industry. Interviú and FHM in Spain and Play Boy in 5 countries to name a few. Hundreds of covers, editorials and publications in magazines and websites around the world are in my portfolio. I have held exhibitions and given workshops in different cities in Spain. I have also been director of photography in different print and online editorial media.

How and when did you get into photography? My father worked as a social photographer in the eighties. As a child I remember when he manipulated the negatives and slides in the darkroom. I remember the red light so they wouldn't blur and the acetic and intense smell of fixing liquids. When I turned 14, he gave me a reflex camera and I started looking at things and people through the lens

What does photography mean to you?

Photography has been my profession for more than 20 years and I am very lucky that it is one of my passions, so I am a lucky person. Photography is not an art per se, although I do believe that we should take a little more care of it among all of us who are involved in it. I see a lot of banal and unimportant photography, of very poor quality on social networks. We must try to reposition photography as what it is, one of the fine arts. If we don't bring art and inspiration back to photography, we will end up paying for it.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

Good question, because I've always thought that defining my style is something that the viewer of my photos has to answer. It's essential to have a recognisable style and for that style to be inherent to you and permeate your work, of course. I have specialised in photographing people in all their variants, but my greatest achievements are in fashion photography and in glamour and nude art photography.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

I have been with Nikon for about 20 years. I don't have a favorite lens as I use several lenses depending on the requirements of my work, but I like very bright lenses f:2.8 for zoom lenses and f:1.4 for fixed lenses...

Where do you get inspiration from?

I am inspired by beauty, clearly. In trying to make my photos convey a feeling, to make them tell something. The style of great masters like Hellmut Newton has always been a reference and inspiration for me. Mario Testino or Steven Meisel too. I feel very identified with the way of seeing photography of the three of them.

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?

I think about what I should do in the photo and what I want to capture. I'm a very intuitive person and I like improvisation. Having clear what I want to achieve, I am not in favor of story boards but of references. I don't have anything preconceived. On the spot and at the moment of taking the photo, I decide what I want to do. I always like to have room to maneuver and, if possible maneuver and if possible, a certain freedom.

Studio, on location or both?

I don't care about the location where I have to take the pictures. Outdoors, indoors, studio. In my more than 20 years as a professional I have mastered lighting well and I have had the opportunity to take pictures in all kinds of places and locations...

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

Paid professional, although not as much as I would like or deserve... hahahahahahahahaha

What has been your most memorable session and why?

Well, I have had the good fortune to do many publications and works of all kinds and for clients of great importance. but if I have to choose it would be either my first cover for an international magazine or the cover I did when Interviú, perhaps the most important magazine in my country, closed. With that cover my work has been in Google searches for the editorial history of my country...

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Well, lots of encouragement and patience and above all believe in yourself. Things are not easy and there is a lot of competition, from other photographers and now also from technology with artificial intelligence. It's a long road not only to get there, but also to stay there. But if you have talent and persevere, you will finally make it...

What do you think of our new magazine?

Well, I didn't know it, but I loved it. Its editorial line, the quality of the interviews, the photographs and the editorials are of a great world level. In these times of the metaverse it is increasingly difficult to find good publications and Modellenland is. Thank you very much for inviting me to participate and congratulations.

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