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Interview: Photographer Rafal Rudnik (Poland)

Can you tell us a little about you? Retired soldier, motorcyclist and bass player. Fond of meeting new people and new places. I love challenges. Completing them gives me the drive to live.

How and when did you get into photography? Back in primary and secondary school, I was playing with analog photography. But it was just fun .... Years later I came back to it with much more commitment and it became my way of life

What does photography mean to you? It is a way of expressing me and my view of the world. This is what I perceive people with their feelings and personality traits, because I am not trying to stay only on the outer shell.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. It may seem strange, but most of all I am a reporter... and the fact that I manage to create a nice picture of a model and people like it, it's all the more nice to me. But if I had to name the style of my photos in which I present women, I would say that it is womanliness, mystery and sensuality.

Where do you get inspiration from? Oh! From many places. Social media and the internet in general. Recently, I have been fascinated by the works of Russian photographers. But mostly, it's from old masters like Helmut Newton.

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture? Sometimes, but only sometimes. Sometimes a good photo is created on the basis of a series of factors that are present at the moment and will never appear again. Such as, for example, specific light, atmosphere, surroundings.

Studio, on location or both? I hate a studio. I mean a room with paper as a background and a few lamps. For me, such conditions are devoid of life. So we can say that locations.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? Photography is my passion, but it also brings me money. I photograph commercially a lot. Weddings and things like that too

What has been your most memorable session and why? Of course, the first nude session. It was something new and exciting. For many reasons. Not only because the model was not dressed. Now I approach it with great calm. Sometimes I wonder that it doesn't make any difference to me. Although I love showing naked female bodies in a beautiful way.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? From the very beginning of my professional adventure with photography, this is Nikon. But it's just a tool. The equipment should not disturb you in the way of taking photos. Just enough. Favorite focal length? 35 in reportage and 85 in photoshoots.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? Learn the basics and not be overly concerned about the opinion of others. And practice, practice and practice… And once you have you own workshop - break the rules.

What do you think of our new magazine? Inspiring. Lots of knowledge, interesting people and great photos.

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