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Interview: Photographer Sławek Śleszyński (Poland)

Can you tell us a little about you?

Photography is my main passion but I also enjoy sailing, travelling, getting to know new places and people. I am open towards others, I appreciate people with sense of humor, being honest, sensitive and direct. Friendships I have made last for really many years because we are very important for each other and we need one another.

How and when did you get into photography?

Many years ago I came across a photography of a landscape from which I couldn’t take my eyes of. It was constructed in this special way that it was leading me step by step from one place to another through whole photo. I was really fascinated and simply spellbound. I wanted to be part of it too! And that is how it all began. I was watching one album after another, discovering wonderful game of light and shadow, shot composition, I was taking part in photography workshops. My landscape photographies quickly turned into portraits and later nude art shots too.

What does photography mean to you?

Photography is my passion, happiness, fulfillment. Discovering myself and others. Possibility to meet interesting people, whom I would simply not get to know without photography.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I think the receiver should be the one to speak about it. I would like the photography to capture a moment, perhaps intrigue, so that everyone could read and interpret it in own way. What is important for me, is mentioned above a game of light and shadow, minimalism of the shot, understatement.

Where do you get inspiration from?

I get inspiration from java and the dream. From the movie and the literature. It happens that particular scene from the movie or description in the book is the beginning of own, new, different shots, other stories. It is also this way in the scenes from life and dream. However, with time, if they are not captured, they often get blurred in our memory and are no longer the same as they used to be.

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?

I think it is very important. Moreover, it is often a trigger for taking the picture and finally the effect of the session is the development of initial project.

Studio, on location or both?

Definitely I prefer natural light, taking pictures on location gives me more satisfaction, I feel it more. Lately I also came back to work in studio and from time to time I make studio sessions too.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I never thouht of resigning from my professional work, which provides livelihood to my family. I am passionate of a photography, through which I can realize what I intend to. Taking photographies as a contractor means kind of self limitation to me.

What has been your most memorable session and why?

Once on location lasting for few days, I planned session on the beach by the river, taken from the high riverbank perspective. When we came there the next day early in the morning, it turned out that a group of people oranized picnic in this place. So we came back to our agritourism place with beach volleyball court. I convinced the owner to arrive there with his excavator and take me up on it above this court. And this is how I realized planned session from the heights.

Nikon or Canon? Favourite lens?

Through the first years it was Nikon, usually 85 mm and 50 mm lenses. Currently, when I more often work with analog camera, it is mainly Hasselblad, but also Nikon FM3A. As for the lenses, these are Zeiss, usually Planar.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

I would suggest to focus mainly on self development, initially based on analysis of work of other photographers, on its essence. Then comes the time to formulate own priorities and to find own way.

I like it very much. I find in it many interesting photographies, for which it is worth to stop for a while. I appreciate its diversity, presentation of many interesing artists and the fact that everyone can find in it something special.

Facebook, website, instagram: @slavco.abraxas


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