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Interview: Photographer Sahir Yerunkar (Klikoog Fotografie) (Belgium)

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I live with my lovely wife and two teenage sons in the Belgian countryside. I have an engineering degree, an IT diploma, an MBA, currently doing a post-masters in Science, and I followed photography for about two years part-time. I am passionate about science and technology. I have a fascination for people and for light – that mysterious thing that almost everyone sees but no one understands.

How and when did you get into photography?

I’ve always had a point-and-shoot, since even the analogue times. Once during a family party, I was making snaps with a compact point-and-shoot, automatic camera with an inbuilt flash. The fireplace was lighting the room in a beautiful warm glow, but I could hardly capture any of that warmth in my pictures. It was this frustrating moment that led me to study photography further. With my Nikon D50 I slowly started discovering the beautiful world of photography.

A lot has happened since then. I have attended several workshops, read several books, and later even attended a professional photography course, which I gave up after two years since it got too boring. In the meanwhile, I run a photography studio, where I do most of my indoor- photography work, where I have specialised in using video projectors for lighting effects.

What does photography mean to you?

I grew in in a very rational environment, without any artistic influence whatsoever. I never learnt drawing, painting, aesthetics etc. It was with photography that I discovered the world of art and learnt to appreciate beauty.

I am intrinsically a very chaotic and restless person with many distracting ideas rushing through my head all the time (even though it may not seem so on the surface). Photography is the place where I can let my chaotic ideas run free. In a way it has a therapeutic function.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

Colours, contrast, chaos! These are some things you will recognise in my works. Normal is boring! Although it is the boring stuff that brings in the money, what I love to do most is freestyle projects where I am not bound by too many rules.

Where do you get inspiration from?

Mostly it is the combination of ideas which lead to new concepts. However, I do read a lot of magazines, and watch a lot of YouTube videos to know all about aesthetics, cameras, shooting and post-processing. I like to peek into portraits, trying to guess how they were lighted, and try to play with these insights.

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?

Mostly yes: by the time I release the shutter, I am already thinking how it would look after post processing. And it is sometimes frustrating if you are not able to create the picture you have in mind. And yet it can be very inspiring.

Studio, on location or both?


Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

A bit of both. To sustain the costs of a photo-studio, you need to take on the “boring” paid work. I love to do creative projects, and sell my prints, but that is not an easy task.

What has been your most memorable session and why?

The first time I paid for a professional model was truly remarkable. The model was able to think with me, and even came up with ideas to strengthen the scene. It was not only a great shoot, but also very educative and inspiring. Since then, I also encourage starter photographers to work with experienced model - it is worth it!

Nikon or Canon? Favourite lens?

Nikon. The 70-200 F/2.8 FL VR is my absolute favourite. I think I take about 2/3rd of my snaps with this lens. My next favourite is the 35mm F 1/4

I always have these two lenses with me when I am shooting.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Ask yourself why you are doing photography. Is it because you like it or are you dependent on it to feed your family? If you are dependent on photography, you may need an industrialised process where you can process many photos in a very short time. If you are in for the creativity, then don’t let small paid opportunities distract you if they are not in your field of interest.

And always use your second card-slot for backup. Memory cards do fail and that can be very painful.

Whatdo you think of our new magazine?

The magazine fills in a gap in the otherwise crowded media. There are many photography magazines and fashion magazines for high fashion. This magazine is closer to the real world, accessible to models and photographers who are serious even though they are not top of the top.

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